[18:43:49.116 N] Hotkey: Q Cast Wild Mushroom on Mouse Location. This Action Last 1 Second(s) Until 50:114 - Wild Mushroom (145205) is ready soon, keep waiting...
[18:43:49.184 D] 49:184 Trying to cast Wild Mushroom (145205) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason Hotkey Improved Cast Mana: 156983
[18:43:49.254 N] 49:254 HP: 100% Mana: 94 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 100% HP Wildpilz (147349)
[18:43:49.257 N] Wild Mushroom (145205) Cast Success, Abort Hotkey...
[18:43:50.120 D] Waiting for NaturesCureASAP
[18:43:50.487 D] 50:487 Trying to cast Nature's Cure (88423) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason GetPlayerFriendlyNaturesCureASAP Mana: 152271
[18:43:50.722 N] 50:722 HP: 97% Mana: 93 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 97% HP Heilung der Natur (88423)
[18:43:50.729 D] TankList Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight
[18:43:51.180 D] Waiting for RegrowthClearcasting
[18:43:53.275 D] 53:275 Trying to cast Regrowth (8936) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight Dist: 25.77 reason Regrowth Clearcasting UnitRegrowthClearCastingTank Mana: 151543
[18:43:53.326 D] Waiting for RegrowthClearcasting
[18:43:54.565 N] 54:565 HP: 100% Mana: 96 Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 24.97y 100% HP Nachwachsen (8936)
[18:43:58.285 D] Waiting for NaturesCureASAP
[18:43:58.616 D] 58:616 Trying to cast Nature's Cure (88423) on Lvl 100 Horde Priest Dist: 26.03 reason GetPlayerFriendlyNaturesCureASAP Mana: 159556
[18:43:58.687 N] 58:687 HP: 100% Mana: 97 Lvl 100 Horde Priest 26.03y 100% HP Heilung der Natur (88423)
[18:44:02.147 D] 02:146 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde Hunter Dist: 11.55 reason RejuvenationAll Mana: 160000
[18:44:02.217 N] 02:217 HP: 97% Mana: 99 Lvl 100 Horde Hunter 11.55y 85% HP Verjüngung (774)
[18:44:03.043 N] Hotkey: Q Cast Wild Mushroom on Mouse Location. This Action Last 1 Second(s) Until 04:043
[18:44:03.045 N] Hotkey: Q Cast Wild Mushroom on Mouse Location. This Action Last 1 Second(s) Until 04:043 - Wild Mushroom (145205) is ready soon, keep waiting...
[18:44:03.411 D] 03:411 Trying to cast Wild Mushroom (145205) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason Hotkey Improved Cast Mana: 159361
[18:44:03.483 N] 03:483 HP: 100% Mana: 96 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 100% HP Wildpilz (147349)
[18:44:03.486 N] Wild Mushroom (145205) Cast Success, Abort Hotkey...
[18:44:04.748 D] 04:748 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight Dist: 22.14 reason Rejuvenation UnitHeal Mana: 154974
[18:44:04.815 N] 04:815 HP: 100% Mana: 95 Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 22.14y 100% HP Verjüngung (774)
[18:44:05.736 D] Waiting for RegrowthClearcasting
[18:44:06.016 D] 06:016 Trying to cast Regrowth (8936) on Lvl 100 Horde Hunter Dist: 11.55 reason Regrowth Clearcasting UnitRegrowthClearCasting Mana: 154346
[18:44:07.314 N] 07:314 HP: 100% Mana: 98 Lvl 100 Horde Hunter 11.55y 95% HP Nachwachsen (8936)
[18:44:07.328 D] 07:328 Trying to cast Nature's Cure (88423) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason GetPlayerFriendlyNaturesCureASAP Mana: 156225
[18:44:07.387 N] 07:387 HP: 100% Mana: 95 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 100% HP Heilung der Natur (88423)
[18:44:08.580 D] Pause Pressed Keys is ON, Reslease D1|D2|D3 to Resume Combat Routine Rotation.
[18:44:09.043 N] 09:043 HP: 100% Mana: 96 Instabile Schlacke 12.24y 79% HP Massenumschlingung (102359)
[18:44:10.057 D] 10:057 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight Dist: 20.43 reason Rejuvenation UnitRejuvenationTank Mana: 154921
[18:44:10.160 N] 10:160 HP: 96% Mana: 95 Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 20.22y 100% HP Verjüngung (774)
[18:44:14.026 D] 14:026 Trying to cast Healing Touch (5185) on Lvl 100 Horde Priest Dist: 32.88 reason HealingTouchResto Mana: 157473
[18:44:14.375 D] Map: OgreCompound (1175) - Zone: Blutschlägermine (6874) - SubZone: Sklaventreiberfaust (0)
[18:44:16.122 N] 16:122 HP: 88% Mana: 98 Lvl 100 Horde Priest 33.67y 93% HP Heilende Berührung (5185)
[18:44:16.133 D] 16:133 Trying to cast Nature's Cure (88423) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason GetPlayerFriendlyNaturesCureASAP Mana: 157259
[18:44:16.199 N] 16:199 HP: 88% Mana: 96 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 88% HP Heilung der Natur (88423)
[18:44:17.666 D] 17:666 Trying to cast Lifebloom (33763) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight Dist: 8.94 reason Lifebloom GetUnitLifebloomRaid Mana: 154759
[18:44:17.731 N] 17:731 HP: 88% Mana: 96 Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 8.94y 100% HP Blühendes Leben (33763)
[18:44:20.755 D] TankList Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight
[18:44:22.558 D] 22:558 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason RejuvenationAll Mana: 160000
[18:44:22.614 N] 22:613 HP: 92% Mana: 99 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 92% HP Verjüngung (774)
[18:44:23.936 D] Waiting for NaturesCureASAP
[18:44:24.210 D] 24:210 Trying to cast Nature's Cure (88423) on Lvl 100 Horde Priest Dist: 33.67 reason GetPlayerFriendlyNaturesCureASAP Mana: 159651
[18:44:24.276 N] 24:276 HP: 98% Mana: 97 Lvl 100 Horde Priest 33.67y 100% HP Heilung der Natur (88423)
[18:44:26.655 D] 26:655 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight Dist: 8.22 reason Rejuvenation UnitHeal Mana: 158272
[18:44:26.715 N] 26:715 HP: 100% Mana: 97 Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 8.47y 100% HP Verjüngung (774)
[18:44:27.931 D] 27:931 Trying to cast Rejuvenation (774) on Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight Dist: 9.04 reason Rejuvenation UnitRejuvenationTank Mana: 157359
[18:44:28.042 N] 28:041 HP: 100% Mana: 97 Lvl 100 Horde DeathKnight 9.2y 100% HP Verjüngung (774)
[18:44:30.409 N] Hotkey: Q Cast Wild Mushroom on Mouse Location. This Action Last 1 Second(s) Until 31:409
[18:44:30.415 D] 30:415 Trying to cast Wild Mushroom (145205) on Lvl 100 Horde Druid Dist: 0 reason Hotkey Improved Cast Mana: 158130
[18:44:30.484 N] 30:484 HP: 100% Mana: 95 Lvl 100 Horde Druid 0y 100% HP Wildpilz (147349)
[18:44:30.488 N] Wild Mushroom (145205) Cast Success, Abort Hotkey...
[18:44:31.725 N] Hotkey: Q Cast Wild Mushroom on Mouse Location. This Action Last 1 Second(s) Until 32:725