I have read many complain here about Tuanha Routine theres nothing wrong with it. it all depend on how you use it the right way. if u dont know how to use it the right way ask before u complain that it sucks becouse it dont suck its good.
and the ppl that want the setting for pvp ill upload mine that i use for boomie and feral(top dmg all the time depend on your gear ofc)
for the specs i use these
And remember everything depend on what gear u got.
-All CC and CD i use/cast by myself to get them when i want them-
If u dont feel like looking for the right icon u can alwas put #showtooltip above /cast in the macros.
Warlords of Draenor Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Gear Stats prio Multi-Mastery-Haste(these are what i go for)
Macros i use For boomie
fast deroot macro for youself with one press
/cast !Moonkin Form
Solar Beam and Force of Nature on target or Focus with one button.(dont share global)
/use [mod:shift,@focus] Solar Beam
/use [nomod,@target] Solar Beam
/use [mod:shift,@focus] Force of Nature(Balance, Talent)
/use [nomod,@target] Force of Nature(Balance, Talent)
No burst macro for boomie becouse it only one damage increase in this spec.
View attachment TuanHA Druid Balance PvP 2.xml
Warlords of Draenor Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft
Gear Stats prio Crit-Mastery-Haste(these are what i go for)
Macros for Feral
fast deroot macro for youself with one press
/cast !Cat Form
Burst Macro(possible have to press 2 times for both of the cd to pop)
/cast Incarnation: King of the Jungle(Talent, Shapeshift)
/cast Berserk
View attachment TuanHA Druid Feral PvP 2.xml
Macros For both specs
healing without target youself or your teammate
/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead][help,nodead][@player,help,nodead] Rejuvenation
/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead][help,nodead][@player,help,nodead] Healing Touch
Stun target or focus with one button
/use [mod:shift,@focus] Mighty Bash
/use [nomod,@target] Mighty Bash
Cyclone for Target and focus with one button
/use [mod:shift,@target] Cyclone
/use [nomod,@focus] Cyclone
Dispel Hex and curses with out having to target ur teammate or youself
/cast [target=mouseover,help] Remove Corruption; [help] Remove Corruption; Remove Corruption