I did a quick Tarren Mill vs Southshore to show you how big of a difference I usually am from the second dpser. I'm usually 3 or 4 times higher in damage than the second on the scoreboard. (In this case I'm 40 MILLION higher than the second, and this was me joining LATE!)
For my setup, be sure to use Solar Beam manually, and setup your keybinds to your cyclone to cyclone healers/solarbeam healers and wreck peeps. Manually target, CR automatically dots everyone without targeting, so just target who you want to kill and stand STILL unless you absolutely can't. For my talents I use:
Displacer Beast
your main big heal)
use this against melee AND knock people off the flag/cliffs for extra happiness)
when your CR pops incarnation for burst, SIT STILL and you will do TONS of single target damage, let your wrath and stuff full through. FREE CAST!)
Mighty Bash
Nature's Vigil
super powerful when it comes to pvp, second choice would be Balance of Power)
Use displacer beast when you need to catch up to someone, or quickly "blink" out of a bad situation.
Other tips: Auto pickup/return flag is EXTREMELY suspicious as of WoD, it is a little too fast right now, and trust me on that. CR returns/picks it up before it even appears. Only use it at your own risk.
You won't get a LOT of killing blows, face it, balance druids are pretty much the new affliction warlocks. Run into a crowd with the CR active and try to keep a good amount of people in range of you and Starfall will destroy AND pad your damage ten folds.
For the heals, they ARE NOT that strong, balance doesn't have that great of off heals as we did in MoP, but with the Renewal talent you should still be able to take quite a bit of damage before dying, and by that time most likely you've either blink'd away or have done enough damage for your team mates to finish them off before you bite the dust.
Single target 1v1 can be difficult, it really all depends on the class. Right now the strongest I've seen are Ret paladins, and I've come close to dying by them many times.
If anyone else has questions on the play style, or what they might be doing wrong, feel free to ask.
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