might be a silly question, mean no offense, but did u click on the pvp setup box at the bottom? i had a few problems with some ccs where when out in the world if i got jumped the cc wouldnt react as i had it on pve setup
Hello, I have a problem, my frost dk all the time using the power of ice, how to do that I myself could choose the power? Thank you.
I apologize for the English translated by Google translator
under the setting tab you can select the box that says auto presence. turn that off and you will be able to manually control what presence your in, for example, frost presence, unholy presence, blood presence.
Thanks you very much!
It's honorbuddy bug...Tuanha just noticed that while running Grind bot with your pro version of the DK routine it wont release spirit. Using the same bot base the same profile i use singular and it will so for a fact its either honorbuddy not working with your routine or there is a problem with the full afk portion of release spirit or something i don't have a log because it isn't that big a deal to me i just ran singular while using grind bot just letting you know.
I know you guy have issue, CR still not optimized for 5.4
I'm working on 5.4 version, sorry I didn't priority making DK first because other class totally broken in 5.4, for DK it's only partly xD
dk?s often stops doing anything in arena ;-/ hope u can update this soon
Hmmm, not sure what you are seeing...I am using Rev: 275 and so far am 2020 in 2's playing with different partners without skype.
Won a few games today against R1 players Fuzionn and Pigboy...
This happened while Fuzionn was streaming...he was quite mad haha
Also beat a fair few gladiators from last season in 2s.
Currently 1950ish in 3s playing TSG with some friends...think we would be the highest TSG in US atm because it is so bad, they can't believe how good I am at DK lol..
In short, yes it still does need some optimization to make it perfect for 5.4...but it is more than playable the way it is at the moment.
Tuanha's other CC's need far more attention than this DK one guys...let him fix those first before he comes to this as they need it much more.
Hmmm, not sure what you are seeing...I am using Rev: 275 and so far am 2020 in 2's playing with different partners without skype.
Won a few games today against R1 players Fuzionn and Pigboy...
This happened while Fuzionn was streaming...he was quite mad haha
Also beat a fair few gladiators from last season in 2s.
Currently 1950ish in 3s playing TSG with some friends...think we would be the highest TSG in US atm because it is so bad, they can't believe how good I am at DK lol..
In short, yes it still does need some optimization to make it perfect for 5.4...but it is more than playable the way it is at the moment.
Tuanha's other CC's need far more attention than this DK one guys...let him fix those first before he comes to this as they need it much more.