I tried but it do less dps, not sure it worth adding as DK need make more dps to keep pressure. (I might make option for stacking Death Rune later though)Hi, a lot of time has passed. Still in pvp bot does not accumulate 4 Death Runes and then hit four consecutive Necrotic Strike. When can we expect this option in the profile? If you do it, this profile can be taken 2.2 +
It will auto activate PVP rotation when you fight playeris this blood spec rotation good for pvp/arena? or its only a blood tank rotation?
I tried but it do less dps, not sure it worth adding as DK need make more dps to keep pressure. (I might make option for stacking Death Rune later though)
It will auto activate PVP rotation when you fight player
SVN URL is already included in folder, you don't have to setup SVN manually. And pls post log if you really need help xDExcuse me cant find the SVN adress. Is there anyway link SVN adress or can u tell me where can i find it.
And also putted TuanHADK folder in routines and starting HB at questing mode choosing TuanHADK before starting then start HB and my DK only meele attacking to the target.
I tried but it do less dps, not sure it worth adding as DK need make more dps to keep pressure. (I might make option for stacking Death Rune later though)
It will auto activate PVP rotation when you fight player
I dont know whats going on but CR really fucked up in arena since last update... Trying to target different targets , pets etc... and stops attacks most of time...
hi tuanha dose the support for arena need a donation just asking because every 1 else wants moneyThere maybe a bug somewhere in questing/combat routine/hb... Please restart it or give me a log.
Maybe then make this option as a burst? At the touch of a button.
It was working but there is a problem right now i think...Does this not work in arena? tried it on 5 different 2s games on my frost dk and it just stands there not using abilities
Unusable in arenas since last revision...
Log attached.
Sorry If this seems like a stupid question but if download the previous revision will the CR still work?
Any news on arena not working?