this will be a second suggestion that I make on one of your routines but I think the suggestions may make it better, I am sorry if you get tired of seeing my questions and suggestions I try to keep it minimal, I was looking at your different modes you have and think its just the best idea ever but was also wondering could you make a dedicated tanking mode, like one that is only trying to keep agro, I have noticed that if you put it on auto target and auto taunt it seems to select the lowest agro target to gain it back, I dont know if that is by design or not but its great, however I cant help but get the feeling that its still a hybrid between the frost dps rotation mixed with some of the blood moves, like it doesnt use DND right away, and it seems to be trying more to single dps then to gain multi agro,, I am not an expert tank but during an aoe fight I find myself having to do alot of the agro work myself especially with the harder hitting dps players