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TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

Can anyone help me to get my low level DK to use Death Siphon over any other skill? It deals way more damage at lower levels than any other skill.
(700 obliterate vs. 4000+ Death Siphon)

Yours faithfully,

I'm not sure if Tuanha likes if you customize the routine as it might cause some errors and I'm not sure if the customizations I'd suggest will cause the routine to use death siphon whenerver possible... but anyways, here you go:

search for the file THCommon.cs, then open it using any editor. There you can find this part:

        private static Composite DeathSiphon()
            return new Decorator(
                ret =>
                THSettings.Instance.HealAttack &&
                MeCombat &&
                //!Casting() &&
                Me.HealthPercent <= THSettings.Instance.HealAttackHP &&
                SpellManager.HasSpell("Death Siphon") &&
                CurrentTargetAttackable(30) &&
                FacingOverride(Me.CurrentTarget) &&
                SpellManager.CanCast("Death Siphon"),
                new Action(delegate
                        //Logging.Write(LogLevel.Diagnostic, "DeathSiphon");
                        CastSpell("Death Siphon", Me.CurrentTarget);

if you now remove the "Me.HealthPercent <= THSettings.Instance.HealAttackHP &&" part the routine should use death siphon regardless your current HP.

If it still doesn't use Death Siphon whenever possible, you might need to edit the priority list.

If you open the THFrost.cs file and search for "Death Siphon" you will find a list of spells. Changing the position of Death Siphon inside this list should change its priority. Maybe you should put it right below AttackASP, I don't know.

Disclamer: Before doing any of these changes make sure to create a backup of the files. I'm not very experienced when it comes to coding and everything I just told you might be completely bullsh**.

And @TuanHa: If you want me to delete this post, I will :)
I don't think he should dislike this. There's alot of low level DK's that would benefit greatly from prioritizing Death Siphon over any other damaging spell/skill.
If it doesn't, then TuanHA should figure out a way to get it to work, cause it's s?ch a dps improvement!
Can anyone help me to get my low level DK to use Death Siphon over any other skill? It deals way more damage at lower levels than any other skill.
(700 obliterate vs. 4000+ Death Siphon)

Yours faithfully,

If you want to use death siphon whenever possible, set "Conversion/Death Pact/Siphon Heal Myself When My HP Below" to 100 (because your hp always <= 100 - Me.HealthPercent <= THSettings.Instance.HealAttackHP)

Death Siphon already on a very high priority, above outbreak, plague strike, howling blast, obliterate, frost strike...
oops, my fault. thought it was Me.HealthPercent < THSettings.Instance.HealAttackHP and the routine would therefore not use it unless you lose atleast 1% hp.

Thanks for making it clear tuanha :)
how long for the "rewrite" you mentioned? disease uptime for unholy during pvp situations seems a bit low n sometimes dps is iffy to but then other times i can land a kill in 7 secs lol
why is it, that some abilities are greyed out and cant be selected, the only way i could get them checked off is to select a premade thing (fullafk,quest,pvp,raid,dungeon)
Got the bot running and when in combat the game spams the error "No Depleted Runes".
Anyone know what ability that is, so I can disable the use of it?

Can't provide a log right now, will append one tomorrow when the bot has run its course.

Update: logs attached from the bots run during the night.


Last edited:
Just went 26-3 with unholy spec and a mw monk partner. we finished the day off at 1750! Excited to see if we can go much farther. Great work Tuanha!
Just went 26-3 with unholy spec and a mw monk partner. we finished the day off at 1750! Excited to see if we can go much farther. Great work Tuanha!

is this with the paid version ? because I can't get the free version to work in arena
is this with the paid version ? because I can't get the free version to work in arena

Same, every time i run it in Arena it just either doesn't attack, or act's like complete dogshit. Singular works better in Arena...