What spec have you approved xifter? Blood/Frost/Unholy? That for PvE/PvP/Arena/RBG?new update is xifter approved. great job tuanha!
It's updated and base on my test, Unholy doing more DPS than Frost.
WoL also show Unholy is the best dps spec for raiding, not Frost DW in current patch 5.2
played unholy with shaman went 13-1... lost to mirror with frost dk who globaled my shaman say be was pressing wrong key.What spec have you approved xifter? Blood/Frost/Unholy? That for PvE/PvP/Arena/RBG?
I just have a 14-1 with a random Monk running Unholy + Mistweaver, he g2g but he said I'm good lol.
The only time we lose is a 1850 team Priest Hunter that CC the monk for 20 seconds and killed me. It was also my bad should have sit on that priest the whole fight to stop Mind Control and Fear![]()
iLvl: 468
Frost 2h: 81,191 DPS (1)
Frost DW: 78,166 DPS (3)
Unholy: 75,497 DPS (6)
iLvl: 483
Frost 2H: 96,162 DPS (4)
Frost DW: 93,549 DPS (6)
Unholy: 89,659 DPS (12)
iLvl: 496
Frost 2H: 109,230 DPS (3)
Frost DW: 106,015 DPS (7)
Unholy: 102,183 DPS (13)
iLvl: 502
Frost 2H: 120,619 DPS (5)
Frost DW: 114,593 DPS (18)
Unholy: 120,065 DPS (6)
iLvl: 522
Frost 2H: 150,017 DPS (9)
Frost DW: 142,472 DPS (23)
Unholy: 146,111 DPS (19)
iLvl: BiS Gear
Frost 2H: 200,881 DPS (20)
Frost DW: 190,021 DPS (26)
Unholy: 200,811 (21)
Okay just to prove my point, i went and got simcraft results from various sites and ranked all the DK specs (and a # rank compared to all class/specs)
Code:iLvl: 468 Frost 2h: 81,191 DPS (1) Frost DW: 78,166 DPS (3) Unholy: 75,497 DPS (6) iLvl: 483 Frost 2H: 96,162 DPS (4) Frost DW: 93,549 DPS (6) Unholy: 89,659 DPS (12) iLvl: 496 Frost 2H: 109,230 DPS (3) Frost DW: 106,015 DPS (7) Unholy: 102,183 DPS (13) iLvl: 502 Frost 2H: 120,619 DPS (5) Frost DW: 114,593 DPS (18) Unholy: 120,065 DPS (6) iLvl: 522 Frost 2H: 150,017 DPS (9) Frost DW: 142,472 DPS (23) Unholy: 146,111 DPS (19) iLvl: BiS Gear Frost 2H: 200,881 DPS (20) Frost DW: 190,021 DPS (26) Unholy: 200,811 (21)
As you can see at ALL gear levels currently Frost 2H is leading with unholy catching up at EXTREMELY high ilvl
Sims might say one thing world of logs (which is real time data) says that around 520 ilvl unholy pulls ahead. This is mostly due to how well festerbloght is behaving right now.
Another sight which proves my point is epeenbot
In both scenarios then at 522ilvl Frost 2h and Unholy are very similar.
You need to note the % of people who bot with this class that currently have that quality of gear is likely in the <5 percentile
Well i am one of them. Sadly i still do not use hb for my pve raiding play. It is just to slow. This cr is 12k below, pure is 7k below than tge rotations i use with pqr. This cr kicks ass in pvp though. My results are from playing 2H frost. Once you goto unholy it is absurd how big the dps gap is between pqr and hb. A good botter will use any tool available to them.
Which PQR profile are you using? I tried Rubim, Leetjerks and Weys and getting around the same DPS in PVE as TuanHA's.
Edited rubims for unholy festerblight and soapbox for 2h frost.
Frost last night i did 400k dps on tortos hm and on nm megerra i did 146k also as frost
I am at 521 ilvl with only 8k haste so at this point in time festerblight and 2H frost yield the same results.
Edit: sorry tuan for for derailing your thread. Was just trying to debunk the whole 2H frost is better when at bis levels it isnt.
Edited rubims for unholy festerblight and soapbox for 2h frost.
Frost last night i did 400k dps on tortos hm and on nm megerra i did 146k also as frost
I am at 521 ilvl with only 8k haste so at this point in time festerblight and 2H frost yield the same results.
Edit: sorry tuan for for derailing your thread. Was just trying to debunk the whole 2H frost is better when at bis levels it isnt.
Edited rubims for unholy festerblight and soapbox for 2h frost.
Frost last night i did 400k dps on tortos hm and on nm megerra i did 146k also as frost
I am at 521 ilvl with only 8k haste so at this point in time festerblight and 2H frost yield the same results.
Edit: sorry tuan for for derailing your thread. Was just trying to debunk the whole 2H frost is better when at bis levels it isnt.
is there a DK UH pqr rotation optimized for arena or pvp ?
I'm not trying to hijack this thread either but I just wanted to share my experiences with users using other CR's performance versus TuanHA's, and at this point I'm not seeing much of a difference in anything unless I'm missing something. Like you I try everything to see what helps the most in performance but so far I've been happy with TuanHA's performance.
I purchased Soapbox's last night and I'm not seeing hardly any disparity between TuanHA's and Rubims but I noticed around a 15K+ dps decrease using Soapbox Ultimate Raiding Frost DK profile that cost $20. You must have edited a lot of the code to do 12k more dps. I'm ilvl 541 with all BiS Heroic and Heroic Thunderforge gear except for a few pieces. Would you mind sharing the profile or your profile changes?
i thought of trying pqr but it seemed like your doubling your chance for detection.
No one has ever been banned using pqr. All it does is handle your rotation. It is not a "bot" so it is relatively safe.
@tuan for pvp side of your rotation i never see it cast the talent asphyixcate(spelling) this can be used to apply tons of pressure or used yo save yourself or your teammates ass. Esp when using the strangulate glyph with it.
Just wait until Blizzard upgrades warden to detect read-only programs too, it's fairly easy to detect a program that reads certain memory locations.
Not really. I am going to try to optimize one but it will take awhile.
It cast a lot for me. If you just change talent, make sure restart HB so CR can recognize that spell and use it.No one has ever been banned using pqr. All it does is handle your rotation. It is not a "bot" so it is relatively safe.
@tuan for pvp side of your rotation i never see it cast the talent asphyixcate(spelling) this can be used to apply tons of pressure or used yo save yourself or your teammates ass. Esp when using the strangulate glyph with it.