frost tank build
what are the 2 trinks that do stam, i only see one
All right guys - because its going to get nerfed soon i will also assist in giving you the invincable build. Bahjerra also made a video about it so its prolly gonna get nerfed. I am over 2.4k rated with this as double frost and you pretty much paste everyone with this in 2s - but its useless in 3s. It also works in twos with frost DK / Healer, but really shines with double frost DK with both being unkillable (played right).
Trinket - stack two of the same trinket - the Primal Combatants Emblem of Tenacity
enchants - you go can go with vers if you like or multistrike it doesnt really matter to be honest
Talents - Plague Leech (the CR doesnt use this well so use it manually)
- Lichborne
- Runic Empowerment or Blood Tap
- Conversion
- Desecrated Ground
- Necrotic Plague
- glyph of runic power
- glyph of icy runes
- glyph of icy touch / glyph of shifting presences
General Strategy
basically if you sit in blood presence and do not Frost Strike you can pretty much leave conversion on permanetely. When runic power gets low simply spam chains of ice and because of your glyph it will pop your runic power back up. Also make sure you necrotic plague on anyone who is attacking you (healer nuking hunters pet ect) this will also generate good runic power).
i have over 400k hp in BP so i am getting over 8k a second heals from this.
If your HP is still getting hammered then spam death strike. If your HP is stabilised (they cannot dps through your conversion) then use obliterate on killing machine procs.
If they switch off you because your unkillabable then turn conversion off and spam frost strikes and your normal dps routine.
basically you just sit their unkillable till about 40% dampening at which point you can usually kill the healer in 2s. Sometimes you play till 70% dampening but you will win - Why? -
because dampening does not effect conversion so their heals go down and yours stay exactly the same.
in lower brackets where their are lots of double dps teams sometimes they will kill you because their pure dps out damages your conversion and death strike spam. but healer DPS cannot kill you unless they are very good at starving you of runic power to turn off your conversion and you can normally still easily beat double dps as well.
Using the CR
their are a few ways to do this, i will give you my method.
I created two saved settings in the CR that i use a hotkey to switch between.
Saved setting 1 - DPS
- Save a setting in the CR. Call it Frost DPS (or whatever you want).
- uncheck auto presence
- check blood presence under 100
- uncheck conversion (so its never used)
Go into hotkey changer config and bind this setting to something. This setting will just cruise around and do dps in blood presence.
Saved setting 2 - Invincable mode.
- uncheck auto presence
- check blood presence under 100
- check conversion under 100
- uncheck death strike
- save setting and then open that saved file in notepad. Scroll down to Frost strike and set it to 'False'. Then find Obliterate and also change this to 'False' Click save.
Go into the hotkey config changer and bind this setting to something.
What this setting will do is turn conversion on automatically under 100% HP and will only use runic power for conversion. You will also now have to manually obliterate or death strike but your other dps will be automatic. The reason you want to control obliterate and death strike is that when your taking lots of damage you just spam all your runes on death strike. when your doing ok but still being focused you spam obliterate. Or you can mix and match, throw in a death strike wait for a killing machine proc and hit an obliterate.
you will also want to bind chains of ice and use it manually to spam when your low on runic power.
How it works
when your not focused or 100 hp press the hotkey to activate your dps mode.
when your focused or need hp hit the hotkey to active your turtle survival mode
- when in turtle mode 1) spike dmg spam death strike 2) hit obliterates on killing machine procs 3)
spam runes when runic power low
Thats it.
- you can also of course go into frost presence for a bit more dps in your DPS mode hotkey instead. However if you do this then you need to take the glyph of shifting presences to retain runic power. After experimenting with this a fair bit i found it is easier to lose a little bit of dps and stay in blood presence, and use glyph of icy touch for the dispell instead. That dispell is far more useful than the extra runic power generated from frost presence and the extra frost strikes you can squeeze out.
If you do this it is well worth binding icy touch and using it manually as you need to spam this dispell sometimes (getting kited by a druid with a 100 HOTs rolling on him).
Also teams that know what you are doing will wait for you to pop frost presence, stun you and try and burn you as the presence shift is really obvious.
You can also of course set this all up fully in frost presence as well without using blood presence at all. However, the 20% extra stam in blood significantly adds to your conversion ticks and the 10% reduced damage is also really good. So i personally just sit in blood.
One word of warning
Just so you know going double frost, sitting in turtle mode for 10 minutes until signifcant dampening kicks in and then killing the healer is a full scumbag comp in 2s and you will get abused after matches. Which is kinda funny cause it causes so much hate.
Enjoy it while it lasts fellas as i am sure the nerf bat will this set up at some point.Also, do the other scumbag double frost teams a favour - if you load into a an arena against another double frost team when at high ratings just wait awhile before signing up again so you can avoid each other. Their are plenty of disc / resto hunter teams to feed on without requeing against your fellow scumbags.