So is the donor ver updated but can be used as public also correct.Please use download version on my website.
The store version only updated for level 90 and it need approval for update so I only update the download version in my website instead.
Just when you need a kick of death, all the runes, and even death runes go in boiling blood, which is why die stupid death in pvp.Um....what? blood runes should ALWAYS be used on blood boil. It's one of your main attacks....
This is working great for me most of the time! But have a two small problems:
Defile or DnD is cast on cooldown so the bot cast it sometimes when the mob has 5% hp left or 50% on a mob that dies in 3 sec anyways. Is there any way to implement a check to avoid casting it when its not needed. I semi-solved it by disabling it and casting it myself, usually on pull trash or bossfights.
Last thing iv'e noticed is that when im in combat and try to loot a mob it kinda spam interrupt the loot and doesn't loot until out of combat or i pause the rotation.
i have exactly the same problems ( with dnd/defile and unlootable during fight ) - please Tuanha solve these.
Lokeboy, how did you turn off auto dnd - a cannot see a switch for it. (maybe with aoe rotation - but it is more than dnd/defile)
great cr anyway.
Question and Answer
I want to disable a spell and use it myself. How can I do that?
Simply open
TuanHA-DK-Settings-[random character].xml
Change <SpellName>True</SpellName> to <SpellName>False</SpellName>
Necrotic Strike Stacks on Current Target?
For PvP, the CR will Necrotic Strike to stack the healing debuff instead of Obliterate (Frost) or Scourge Strike, Festering Strike (Unholy).
This is necessary in Arena/Rated Battleground.
What is Necrotic Strike Debuff Healer/Caster?
For PvP reasons, if a healer or caster is within melee range (not necessary your current target), CR will Necrotic Strike them, putting a slow cast debuff on them.
Thank you for reading.
TuanHA && Timotyman