Hey can u use this in arena i tried with tryeal bot and it wont attack anyone?
Have you both tried a fresh install of the buddy and a clean combat routine installed?
I see it buff then a big error... it the problem fixed, have you tried a new cleanse install?Hey tuanha im not sure what seems to be the issue here but everytime in enter or leave honorbuddy sais terminating wow and i havnt been able to enter or leave for a couple days on my premium version
Heres another log with honorbuddy shutting down my wow
thanks a ton man i might have to take you up on that here soon, this is my first time coming across this issue im still trying to figure out the issue. if i cant get this fixed here soon ill be gettin in touch with ya.You can add me on skype, I play Daily Fishballs77, message me so i know who you are.
ive done about 4 fresh reinstall tried my profile the defaults and yours that was recently SVN and note this is happening on all premium tuanha's CR's not just the DK, ive even copied the same folder to a USB and transfered to my win 8 same setting's everything and worked but still crashing on win 7, would a win registry be effecting that in anyway?I think wiping your computer is pretty excessive. try creating a new profile within the Combat routine settings and save that, maybe the profile you created is bugged.
got 2.2, ty.this is my CR dk
View attachment 143649
im using the free edition.
1. doesnt use death pact
2. doesnt use auto raise ally
3. doesnt use remorseless winter when setting "use when surrounded by 3 mobs" is enabled.
View attachment 144614