A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
I want to share my experience with TuanHADK and unleash the potential of this CR.
There are some arena hints during text and few explained options, should be useful for newcomers.
I've attached my milestone profiles for Human with engineering, they are actual for
Feel free to test provided CR settings and discuss them.
I'm playing on EU since s14 with premium TuanHADK routine.
My maximum experience was 1800 in 3v3 in s11 as Frost over 2k games.
Never played uDK before and never has played uDK by hands.
higher ratings in
s15 is
2v2 2100 + mw monk
3v3 2100 + scleave
5v5 2300 + melee cleave
RBG 2000 + random
My comps:
- 2v2 MW monk is the best healer, hpaladins just a waste of time, rshammy is little better.
- 3v3 mostly Shadowcleave/TSG, but tried to do some games in PHD. I prefer shadowcleave because you're allowed to iddqd faceroll while your warlock tries to survive, lol. TSG is too stupid and too fast for me. PHD sucks without gear. And 99% of hunters are KFC fans.
- 5v5 Melee cleave with hunt/war/mwmonk is brilliant.
- RBG AoE holiday, my role is to move toon from one flag to another. TuanHADK is ideal for RBG. It doesn't leave a chance for primitive anthropoids to overdamage CR.
- ElvUI - great for PvP with default settings
- gladiatorlossa - sound alarm to use grip/dispel/strangulate
- NecroticTrack - track my necrotic absorption
- BattlegroundTargets - for RBG targets
- Recount - games analyzis
Please spellcheck ALL SPELL NAMES before using it in macros. May be some mistakes in spell names.
You should recreate following macros with provided template.
I have six basic macros with simple skel.
/cast SpellName
/cast [@focus,mod:shift] SpellName
I will provide a list of abilities which should be casted on focus:
- Deathgrip
- Strangulate/Asphixiate
- Icy Touch to dispel
- Chains of Ice
- Pet stun
- Dark Simulacrum
Deathgrip usage:
- interrupt cyclons/poly/hex
- grip enemy healer + chains/asph + switch
- grip enemy dd to LoS from heal
- stop priests
- stop enemy burst
- save teamates
must not to
- grip kiter
- grip grounding
- grip block/bubble
- grip Spiritwalker's Grace etc.
- interrupt insignificant spells like scorch
Strangulate/Asphixiate usage:
playing with chilbains?
- take glyph and let CR to take care about enemy casters
- use blanket if your target is low
- use blanket to continue chain control
playing with asphixiate?
- use grip + asphixiate on enemy healer
- use apsh on stealther openers
- stop priests
- stun hunters on 50% - they're never trink to detterence under 2k
- provoke mages to blink
- much more
Icy Touch usage:
- while converting runes, you can randomly dispell target and focus
- the spell will take 1st spam priority when enemy got BoP/Sacrifice/Shadowfear/Innervate
TuanHA! We need to have Bless of Salvation in autopurge list!
Chains of Ice usage:
- melees should receive chains anytime then they're in 30 yards range. CR is not good and I need to slow enemies myself.
- healers should sit chains by CD when you're on them
Pet stun usage:
- sometimes CR is using stun, sometimes not.
- use it on master aura, Spiritwalker's Grace
- use it on noninterruptible Chaos Bolts etc.
- more more more
Dark Simulacrum usage:
- when deathgrip on CD
- when you can to anticipate the next spell
Also you will need to use canceling macro.
Simulacr code is extremely bugged and you may found yourself in Ice Block or bubble often.
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection - you should use it as blind/karma cleanser then fast remove
/cancelaura Lichborne - prevent shackle/fear undead
/cancelaura Ice Block - CR will necessarily pop a ice block when you bursting
/cancelaura Divine Shield - ^^^
/cancelaura Blessing of Freedom - don't allow mage to steal BoF after you has been escaped from roots
/cancelaura Blessing of Sacrifice - same story
I have used the trick with merging mutually exclusive abilities to one macro.
This allowed me to skip actionbar/keybinding changes in future when I want to change talents.
You MUST to have a macro name as set in first argument of SetMacroSpell option.
It should be called "StAsp", as for example. Please google if intrested.
/cast Strangulate
/cast Asphixiate
/cast [@focus,mod:shift] Strangulate
/cast [@focus,mod:shift] Asphixiate
/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell("StAsp", G"Strangulate" or "Asphixiate")
CR setup and builds:HonorBuddy
[x] Use Framelock in main settings
90 ticks
Lazy Raider
90 FPS
[x] Disable plugins
[x] Framelock CC support
Nothing more selected
Didn't see real difference between mastery and crit - the final damage is identical.
But my choice is crit because Soul Reaper is a true Doomsday Weapon with 30%+ buff.
You can plan your reforge with
Ask Mr. Robot
Switched to manual transmission
Death Strike
Gorefiend's Grasp
Lichborne as CC breaker
Descecrated Ground
Icy Touch
Chains of Ice
Dark Simulacrum
Death and Decay
Soul Reaper
Unholy Presence
Important notes
Auto use of Dark Sumulacrum is disabled.
Necrotics is not working as intended, so only 1 Death Rune required for 2v2 3v3.
On RBG/5v5 I've turned off Necrotics. They're useless until fix.
Start AoE Rotation effective only on 5v5 and RBG.
Soul Reaper should be casted at 40% enemy hp or ever higher.
No automated assistance on my healer at all, only autochains on melee. Not possible to kill a mw monk if he had at least one hand.
2v2 on 2100 is fast like a diarrhea, but we need to interrupt like a human.
All interrupts are ON <= 40% target hp.
Talents: most time with chilbains + deathpact.
Glyphs: strangulate + antimagick shield + depends on comp
Some friends saving is enabled.
I don't care about autokick in 3v3. Need to stop CC at any cost.
I am using conversion only vs DoT cleaves and prefering AMS glyph and stance dancing.
Talents: in scleave it's asph + conversion. In TSG it's chilbains and deathpact.
Glyphs: stances + depends on comp + depends on comp
Autokick is enabled.
We has 2 enemy healers in 5v5, so I need to cast asphyxiate by @mouseover to strenghten our CC.
Necrotics is disabled.
AoE rotation is ON.
No assistance on teamates.
Talents: asphyxiate + deathpact + gorefiend's grasp
Glyphs: pestilence + death and decoy + depends on comp
Profile is almost identical to "TuanHA Death Knight Unholy RBG AoE.xml"
Gorefiend's Grasp enabled to Solar/RoF only.
No savings on raid.
Icebound, AMS, Desecrated Ground is auto.
Blood Presence is 60%.
Talents: asphyxiate + deathpact + gorefiend's grasp
Glyphs: pestilence + death and decay + AMS
Conclusion:CR requires some code refactoring, I hope that necrotic stacking some day will be fixed and simulacrum usage will be improved soon.
Anyway it's one of the most effective HB combat routines ever made.
All work and no play makes Jack a glad boy.
Keep it up!
Hope, your brain will be not seriously damaged by my elegant english.