I am quite um how do I say it, if you don't follow his basic instructions on setup then you are not going to be getting the fullness of his CR. Yes he is working on updating things and as YOU should know, he has quite a few, so he can't always commit to just 1, but he does try. If you follow his instructions, IE stuttering, take framelock off as it helps that. If you have the free one, pvp isn't supported 100% and a few pve options aren't as well. His paid ones support awesomeness. I can't fathom how someone can criticize when your either taking or buying. As with anything, things get updates when needed and I with a few others can attest that something is mostly wrong on your side as it has happened to me also and I go oh DERP. Also, if something is really wrong, post a log, he can't do anything by hearsay, but he can look at logs and investigate. 9/10 times its something you or I did or haven't done. I'm glad I have all his cr's as 1. 2200+ in Arena's and 2. Heroic raiding is a breeze. Yes thats on all the classes he has cr's for. I wish you all the best