can anyone pls post a Recommended Talent and Glyph selection for Frost PvP / Arena ?
Frost Pvp Arena. Always use a 2 hander weapon. Mastery is still a bit better than haste unlike in Pve for this setup. The talents should realistically be switched depending on the comp you are facing (eg: caster heaver vs Melee Heavy)
Unholy Blight (Spreads Diseases more easily to multiple targets)
Lichborne (cast Dc on yourself, more helpful than purgatory when less healers are around to save you)
Asphyxiate / Chilblains (Asphyxiate if caster heavy, Chil if melee)
Death Pact (Cast your Raise dead only when you need to save yourself)
Blood Tap (Better for controlled burst than other options)
Desecrated Ground
Glyphs :
Melee - Shifting Presence, Death and Decay, Dark Sim
Caster - Icy Touch, Anti Magic, Dark Sim
Minor - Resilient Grip, Death's Embrace, (Anything)
I need you guy help on [Gorefiend's Grasp], what the best use of that spell?
These are all possibility I can think off:
Pull loose aggro unit tank
Interrupt casting
Interrupt casting
Interrupt casting
Pull kiter to melee range
Pull Melee of my party member if he low hp (cast on me or on enemy away from my party member)
Pull Melee away from me if I'm low hp (cast on my party member or enemy away from me)
What are the missing feature of that spell? It's really complicated.
Thank you for your suggestion.
Generally I would choose to cast it manually if given the option. 99% of the time you just cast it to the closes target to pull everything, or or peel for someone (pvp or pve). To ring of frost is a good option or other ground aoe.
It would be less optimal to have this selected in a CC for raid instances such as Sha or The Spirit Kings in MV due to
Maddening Shout or similar mechanics. You might look like a goon pulling your whole raid into the mid.