TuanHa i will send you per email an old CR rev that owned the shit out of EVERYTHING in his way. by so far YOUR deathknight masterpiece in my opinion. it had default necrotickstack on healer and target not like now where we can choose how many NS to use on DR and even then it slaughtered people in Arena. With it i wos doing between 30k-35k dps in 3v3 compared to now where i reach if im lucky 27-28k. Enemy after getting destroyed whispering me how could i do so much dmg(LOOOL times i miss) my goal wos 2.2 and ended with 2.5

arena rating. thats why i asked you if there where any chance to update older CR. but anyway i would like if you have time to take a look into it and tell me if the rotation as changed compared to rev 63.