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TuanHA Combat Routine News, Update, Question and Answer...

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Hey TuanHA,

I'm a paid owner of both your Special Edition Shaman and Paladin routines.

I have owned these routines for quite awhile now. I play both classes at a significantly high rating ( 2850 last season, and 2550 this season )

My question is, are you going to implement short pause hot keys like Cokx & Toiz Gladiator profiles have? I find that not having this option is the biggest down fall for these routines when it comes to PVP, not being able to use specific abilities at critical times almost always depicts the outcome of the game at this rating. I haven't used the bot at all in PVP since I purchased the routines for this exact reason.

Awaiting your reply PS: I am a big big fan of your work!
Hi Jackson,

Good to know you playing that very high rating :D

The feature already there and that "Auto Pause on Manual Cast" that mean when you Press a Key on your keyboard, it will pause for a while (you can set the duration)

For example you set Pause on Manual Cast to 1000 ms, whenever you Press a Key, it will Pause 1 secons (1000 ms) so you can cast a Hex safely.

There also a Pause Pressed Key. If you set it to R button for example, as long as you Press the R button, it will pause so you can do all the manual cast you need.
also cant use Frostwolf War Wolf - Spell - World of Warcraft while healing or attacking with pally CR
I thought this was a HB limitation as performing actions while mounted is new in WoD.
I've not been very active in the past week but I watched a Garrison run last night and noticed my toons didn't dismount to collect from Herb Garden.

HB may now have a check for at least Level 1 Stables but not the Nagrand Corral.

I'm simply hypothesizing though.
That Wolf Mount is supported since last 4 month...

private static bool MeMounted {
return !MeHasAura(164222)
&& !MeHasAura(165803)
&& !MeHasAura(178807)
&& !MeHasAura(157059) //http://www.wowhead.com/spell=157060/rune-of-grasping-earth
&& !MeHasAura(157060) //http://www.wowhead.com/spell=157060/rune-of-grasping-earth
&& !MeHasAura(157056) //http://www.wowhead.com/spell=157056/rune-of-grasping-earth
&& !MeHasAura(157061) //http://www.wowhead.com/spell=157061/rune-of-grasping-earth
&& !MeHasAura(157212) //http://www.wowhead.com/spell=157212/rune-of-grasping-earth
&& (Me.Mounted
|| Me.InVehicle);
Logging.Write("Failed in MeMounted");
return false;
hey Tuanha! just a quick question. Whenever my paid routines have an svn update available and i update them while HB is still running (when it prompts me there's an update) is it necessary to close HB and reload it after the routine is updated? or is it automatically applied without having to close it?

Thank you!
No Workie

Having trouble getting the monk routine to work. It works when I have HB framelock on, but that lags WoW so bad it freezes. Attached is the log

Disregard, disabled Anti-Virus and it works now!


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Hi Jackson,

Good to know you playing that very high rating :D

The feature already there and that "Auto Pause on Manual Cast" that mean when you Press a Key on your keyboard, it will pause for a while (you can set the duration)

For example you set Pause on Manual Cast to 1000 ms, whenever you Press a Key, it will Pause 1 secons (1000 ms) so you can cast a Hex safely.

There also a Pause Pressed Key. If you set it to R button for example, as long as you Press the R button, it will pause so you can do all the manual cast you need.

Thanks for your speedy reply!

I am still having some issues with what I am trying to achieve with this routine. I tried running the Shaman routine with just the interrupt and tremor options ticked. Because I am controlling my character in every other aspect, it's making the "Auto Pause on Manual Cast" to be used multiple times per second, resulting in the routine overloading and stopping all together.

Is there a possibility I could speak to you over Skype, or any other form of messenger to troubleshoot this issue?

Thanks again.
Hi Tuanha, i went to "Upgrade to all current and future combat routine packages" and it charged me $4.02, but it doesn't show up in my purchases on your site, but on my billing statement, and the same option to upgrade is still there. I assumed it was a prorated amount to upgrade to the donor version since i have 5 paid routines. am i mistaken?

thank you!!

EDIT: Scratch that, payment must have just been processing. All the routines showed up!
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haveing probs with my rebirth skill on my druid heals

as soon as i start a boss fight it gos off when the cd is up it will cast it agen even if no one is dead
i have tryed it with the rebirth box on and off still dos the same thing.
have done a fresh instal of everything still no luck


2 days of getting the error "can not process managed resources", installation guide does not help. Update, delete and reinstalled, nothing helps. I use Tuanha 2 years.Help me Plz.
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2 days of getting the error "can not process managed resources", installation guide does not help. Update, delete and reinstalled, nothing helps. I use Tuanha 2 years.Help me Plz.

Your running windows 10 ?
I think your Auto aspec for your hunter needs some work..

at the moment its on all the time.. and getting danzzed all day
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