To all that have been asking for the routines to be moved to the buddystore, please note that if Tuan does this, any bug-fix - regardless big or small - will have to be "approved" by some HB balloting committee, effectively delaying any update by an undefined amount of time ..
I'd prefer that Tuan stays with SVN, where any bugfix will be pushed at any moment and at any frequency.
And I'm not even pointing out that "HB Corp" wants 30% of the sales price ....
Hi there mate, I have a question regarding Bodyguards.
Although limited and not being able to influence their behavior, they _are_ useful, at times.
I always walk around with one, and unfortunately, melee bodyguards are as stupid as a donkey's ass..
Since it is possible to heal the bodyguard manually, would it be possible for the routine to do so?
Either drop a bandage, or a proper healing, where possible (also class dependent of course).
Not sure whether it's feasible to implement this, or possible even.
Just asking, mate
Many thanks (again) for your more than excellent work.
Hello Tuanha
I am using your premium profiles,bought whole package
mostly i use your Shaman one,for resto and i am ok with it,with doing some tweaks and disabling some stuf it is ok
my problem is about Spirit Link totem and casting it
it casts it when x number of players is under y % of HP and that is ok with that
it casts it under my feet not checking where are theese players so totems range of 10 yards is not enough to get them all and do its job
is there a way to implement into your formula/routine some subroutine to check the range of players round me and when 70% of raid/party is near me to cast it so if i have 15 ppl in raid it w8 till most of them are near or atleast that who need heal
i hope you understand me
Last stand only available for Prot, it's removed from Arms and Fury... are you in Prot spec?Tuanha, regarding the Paid Warrior profile. For Gladiator DPS it seems that it never uses Last Stand regardless of settings. It also won't Thunderclap unless there are 4+ mobs despite having the AOE rotation set to 2. Known issues?
Stop and dismount... Reason: BGFarmer -> We need to dismount
Activity: [BGFarmer] Dismounting
Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Warspear Grunt
[BGFarmer] Targeting: Warspear Grunt [79269]
System.Exception: Only part of a ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was completed, at addr: E51DB7B4, Size: 36
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.ReadByteBuffer(IntPtr addr, Void* buffer, Int32 count)
at GreyMagic.MemoryBase.Read[T](IntPtr addr)
at Styx.WoWInternals.LuaTable..ctor(IntPtr address)
at Styx.WoWInternals.LuaValue.get_Table()
at Styx.WoWInternals.LuaEvents.()
at Styx.Pulsator.Pulse(PulseFlags flags)
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.()
Switch to Best Unit AFK
05:709 Trying to cast Mark of the Wild (1126) on Lvl 100 Alliance Druid Dist: 0 reason MarkoftheWildBalance Group Buff Mana: 160000
I'm not sure, there's no log so I need to inspect it myself, it hard to find problem without a logOKay So i've been using this routine for my Fury warrior for awhile now, but before this routine i was using Fury 2 Unleashed and they were roughly about the same DPS. I don't know what happened after the 6.1 dropped, but using this routine now on my fury warrior I'm getting a HUGE dps loss. When i switched back to Fury 2 everything was fine. I'm talking about a 6-8k dps loss. I'm illvl 679 and on one fight i was getting 16.6k dps with this routine when i normally push 30k+dps (fight dependent of course)
I'll add that code really soonI've noticed for a while now that when I'm specced as Restoration shaman that the Auto Ghost Wolf doesn't seem to ever work, but when in Elemental spec it does. Think you could look into that?
Druid will do nothing in prowl including moving if option Attack out of Combat enabled, just disable it.hey, i'm using bgbuddy on feral druid and it is not auto moving. could you please have a look? i cannot post log as im not on my comp. (when i use singular it is working). thanks! ps im using paid version
Thank, I'm thinking about it, but it take a lot of time, I'm trying to improve all CR for now first.There are so many quality CC's here, I say combine them for the best AIO CC.
I'm sure there are some modules that are used across the board.
Just sayin'
Make sure you have tortoise svn updated/fixed, most people don't have issue with svn updating so far.Is there a problem with the SVN updater?
I have downloaded routines from your site....but still not able to update SVN
Out of all class, unholy dk having trouble on dps for now and I'm still trying to improve itSomething wrong with the NECROBLIGHT rotation, anyone?
I really don't know what happen, trying to ask people from HB to know what wrong with that cannon.TuanHA Hunter CR: In the encounter vs. Thogar hc the routine is not able to target the "gunners" on the train cannons for some reason. With automatic targeting enabled it will keep switching back to the boss - with no targeting enabled (and manually switching to the canonier) it will do nothing.
During the encounter vs. Kromog hc it does not AE (nor target switch properly) the hands that emerge from the runes.
Otherwise it's working fine so far.