I got the Rogue free edition CR yesterday to give it a try and i am experienced an issue where the CR is trying to use cheap shot and ambush
while is in stealth with no success and getting stacked.
Here's a short log that has an endless spam.
[18:19:13.770 D] 13:769 Trying to cast Cheap Shot (1833) on Scarshield Sentry reason OpenerRotation: Cheap Shot E: 120 CP: 0
[18:19:13.953 D] CastFailListUpdate 1833 - Cheap Shot (Must be in Stealth)
[18:19:13.973 D] 13:972 Trying to cast Ambush (8676) on Scarshield Sentry reason AmbushWoD2 E: 120 CP: 0
[18:19:14.154 D] CastFailListUpdate 8676 - Ambush (Must be in Stealth)
[18:19:14.169 N] Waiting for AmbushWoD2
the issue is occurred because of the bot it can't get behind of the mob. The "Auto move behind" feature is uncheked by default, i am now trying with that checked