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TuanHA Combat Routine News, Update, Question and Answer...

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Why are the paid Routines not being able or available through the Buddystore? i have sent you private messages and in this thread but you never answer?
Why are the paid Routines not being able or available through the Buddystore? i have sent you private messages and in this thread but you never answer?
Hi, please read page #1, question already answered
it just means your HB is crashing because you didn't follow the instruction :p

do not mix up free and paid.

disable free routines from your Buddy store portal , delete any existing tunha routines into your routines folder. expand again the paid routines from tuanha / update them with svn and start HB. it shuold work then flawlessly.

[edit] ps : if anything was wrong with paid routines, believe me this post would be full of complaints .... i'm using 5 routines out of the full and have no issues at all ..

Thanks for the advice and I understand its not a problem everyone is having with the paid routine but it is something that is happening to a few of us. I tried the following:

1. Disabled free rotuines in store.
2. Uninstalled HB
3. Reinstalled HB from installer.
4. Ran HB to make sure no routines were downloaded.
5. Downloaded fresh routine from TuanHa website.
6. Followed instructions to install.
7. Ran HB again, logged in to TaunHa Routine.
8. Froze before I could even start running a bot.

I forced HB to close and after waiting for my last session to time out I got in again and managed get Enyo running. After about 15 minutes healing the dummy in the Garrison HB frooze again. The bot was still healing but the HB interface was totally locked up and had to be ended via task manager.

So while it may not impact everyone, there is a difference between the paid and free routines that is causing my HB to freeze up.
Thanks for the advice and I understand its not a problem everyone is having with the paid routine but it is something that is happening to a few of us. I tried the following:

1. Disabled free rotuines in store.
2. Uninstalled HB
3. Reinstalled HB from installer.
4. Ran HB to make sure no routines were downloaded.
5. Downloaded fresh routine from TuanHa website.
6. Followed instructions to install.
7. Ran HB again, logged in to TaunHa Routine.
8. Froze before I could even start running a bot.

I forced HB to close and after waiting for my last session to time out I got in again and managed get Enyo running. After about 15 minutes healing the dummy in the Garrison HB frooze again. The bot was still healing but the HB interface was totally locked up and had to be ended via task manager.

So while it may not impact everyone, there is a difference between the paid and free routines that is causing my HB to freeze up.

HI, do you have any wow add on's running?
I do know that some wow add on's like Bagon can be a problem to some HB routines.
Try stopping one wow add on one at a time until you find the one the problem, may be......
Hope it helps.
Just bought your full Package for Routines and canot be thank you enough hav ebeen using your free ones for the last month but these payed onse are great thanks! Keep up the great work and hope you have a Happy New Year!!
Is there any way to obtain a copy of your free routines via SVN or ZIP? Because I do not have access to the BuddyStore at the moment, only got my key.
TuanHA, any plans for PVP love?
All MoP PvP logic is there, just WoD PvP logic will be added step by step, PvP is about find the best decision to do at a give time like when friend below 40% should I dispel other healer/heal him/CC enemy dps... that something need a lot of time to improve and no one can code it in just 1 week.

I'm trying new PvP code and I hope we will get there next month - I mean I start adding PvP logic now, step by step
Is there any way to obtain a copy of your free routines via SVN or ZIP? Because I do not have access to the BuddyStore at the moment, only got my key.
You can download free version in my website, please google tuanha :D
well, actually i was in no spec. i started leveling a new shaman and decided to make it resto.
in hb settings i selected resto but i could not find the tab resto in tuanha shamanroutine.
I understand now that until you must select a spec in wow only the enhanced tab shows. its clear now, thanks.
well, actually i was in no spec. i started leveling a new shaman and decided to make it resto.
in hb settings i selected resto but i could not find the tab resto in tuanha shamanroutine.
I understand now that until you must select a spec in wow only the enhanced tab shows. its clear now, thanks.
Look like all my CRs need a better GUI configuration. Thank for the bug report Regnarp.
yes,I have the same bug! 反映多次TuanHA为什么不重视?

Ok, did some more testing. Both the free and paid version of the routine causes my Honorbuddy window to freeze. The routine still continues but I cant stop it or do anything else with honorbuddy and have to kill the application via task manager. Any help / idea's? Tried fresh installs of Honorbuddy and the routin but get the same issue.

Also worth mentioning, it doesnt happen right away, but after a few minutes of running the bot.

I have the same bug! 反映多次TuanHA为什么不重视?,系统重装,游戏重装,,换电脑都不能解决!
can this profile do me auto cleanse and maybe ground totem on selected skills only? i want to control to roation and stuff in arena..
is it possible?
Hi tuanha. My fury warrior keeps switching from commanding shout to the other one and back the whole time when he has nothing else to do.
Hi tuanha. My fury warrior keeps switching from commanding shout to the other one and back the whole time when he has nothing else to do.
Please post in warrior thread, I need log to check that part too.
Hello tuanha, sorry if the answers to these questions were announced earlier.

1-Q) What is the difference between:
"All Current and Future Combat Routines Package" (89$)
"TuanHA Druid (All Current and Future Combat Routines Package)" (89$)
"TuanHA Warrior (All Current and Future Combat Routines Package)" (89$)

(If there is no difference, why you did not just one option?)

2-Q) Approximately how long you plan to keep CR?
3-Q) If you add in the future mage and warlock priest, whether they are included in the $ 89?
4-Q) Those who who have "3 session lifetime", if it will run your CR in all three sessions?
5-Q) Do you plan to increase or decrease the value for money?

p.s. and yes, I read the first page ;p.
p.s.2. sorry English is not my native.

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