maybe as you said transportation on low lvl toons between instances is not great and can be pain but once they are inside it works like a charm.
Seriously, like a charm?
sethekk-halls - after clearing the instance booster drops from high altitude and dies.
utgarde-keep - same thing, just the altitude is not so high, at one point booster is getting "rooted" by a mob of small spiders every few seconds and barely walks.
halls-of-lightning - booster stands with "waiting the dungeon to load", while RAF runs forward to mobs instead and gets whacked.
and so on
Some instances like hellfire rampant are indeed quite polished and do work flawlessly, but some just are pain in the ass and BIG waste of time. And i do manually reset instances, set hearthstones, and start the profile just like said in the instructions. It still works like 50/50, usually even less. No way it could be left in afk, even for few hours. Even if it works fine in the beginning, after like 2-3 runs is goes awry. And i have only two bots, i cannot even imagine the havoc with 3 or more.
I once started Gundrak dungeon, watched over for like 10 minutes (all was fine) and went away, only to find later (after like 1.5 hr) that booster is still farming the instance, while RAF is fighting mobs 2 locations away in Wintergrasp! Hardly "works like a charm".
I don't want to sound entitled, i understand that it's free and author(s) put a lot of work to this project. But misleading people into an idea that it "works like a charm" is hardly a good thing. Creates a lot of false expectations.