Alright guys I've been trying this for 4 days now with no luck -- I need some help!
I downloaded newest HB and loaded up this profile with GB2 along with the plugin AND npcscan.
Here are my problems:
I have mining/herbalism off because I don't want it. When the bot is running, it looks for various different rares including dirkee, vyragosa (and I'm assuming TLPD ... I haven't ran into him yet). The bot also finds the rare spawn in IceCrown called "Putridus the Ancient ID 32487" and attempts to go over there to kill him. The problem is as my warrior flys there I get an error where it can't find it and dismounts and walk to the location. My snowfall lager doesn't kick in and my character warrior freefalls to it's death. I don't see in the options how to turn off that mob.
Another problem is whenever Vyragosa spawns, my warrior pulls her but just stands on the ground attempting to mortal strike etc if Vyragosa isn't in melee distance. It doesn't use my shattering throw/ heroic throw or my 'Throw' skill and ultimately dies. It does initially pull though from my understanding of the logs. I want it to use the 'throw' skill and kill Vyragosa with my thrown weapon. If i check "Shoot down Vyra" will it attempt to use my 'shoot' skill or will the bot recognize my thrown weapon and throw skill and use that to kill Vyragosa?
Whenever the bot tried to kill dirkee it always killed the rarespawn but was never able to loot it. Whenever I was there I had to loot it manually. my BIG concern is what if my bot kills TLPD and doesnt loot it while I'm away?? These things I cannot figure out on my own thru trial and error like how I've been doing with regular botting. Here is the log of the kill. Near the end where it says mob successfully looted, its what I did myself by clicking.
I am using the FPSWare warrior profile if that helps for any of my issues.
Here are some screenshots of my settings that may help. Thanks!
View attachment 33026
View attachment 33027
View attachment 33028
Log of not-looting (this has happened with dirkee numerous times, until I looted manually):
[5:57:38 AM:381] Rarekiller: Find a hunted Mob called Dirkee ID 32500
[5:57:38 AM:383] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[5:57:42 AM:172] Rarekiller Part Rarekiller: Take Screenshot before Pull
[5:57:42 AM:172] Rarekiller: Pull at Mob Location: 7772.519 / -1070.925 / 930.6487
[5:57:42 AM:172] Rarekiller: ... my Location: 7776.411 / -1074.889 / 952.864
[5:57:42 AM:172] Rarekiller: Target is Flying - False
[5:57:44 AM:550] Spell_C::CastSpell(57755, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [76]
[5:57:44 AM:778] Rarekiller Part Spells: * Heroic Throw.
[5:57:44 AM:778] Rarekiller Part Spells: Spell successfull? True.
[5:57:44 AM:778] Rarekiller: Successfully pulled Dirkee
[5:57:44 AM:934] Rarekiller: Use Quick Slowfall: False Mob: Dirkee
[5:57:45 AM:684] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [77]
[5:57:45 AM:703] -Charge
[5:57:45 AM:737] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:45 AM:768] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:57:47 AM:323] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [78]
[5:57:47 AM:629] Spell_C::CastSpell(6673, 0, 0x600000005D792BA, 0) [79]
[5:57:47 AM:660] -Battle Shout on Me
[5:57:48 AM:190] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [80]
[5:57:48 AM:205] -Charge
[5:57:48 AM:837] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [81]
[5:57:48 AM:897] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:48 AM:929] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:57:49 AM:530] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [82]
[5:57:49 AM:858] Spell_C::CastSpell(12294, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [83]
[5:57:49 AM:886] -Mortal Strike
[5:57:50 AM:419] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [84]
[5:57:50 AM:447] -Charge
[5:57:51 AM:112] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [85]
[5:57:51 AM:736] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [86]
[5:57:51 AM:795] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:51 AM:827] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:57:52 AM:749] Spell_C::CastSpell(6343, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [87]
[5:57:52 AM:780] -Thunder Clap
[5:57:53 AM:210] Spell_C::CastSpell(78, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [88]
[5:57:53 AM:241] -Heroic Strike
[5:57:53 AM:770] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [89]
[5:57:53 AM:796] -Charge
[5:57:53 AM:827] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:53 AM:863] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:57:54 AM:454] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [90]
[5:57:54 AM:771] Spell_C::CastSpell(12294, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [91]
[5:57:54 AM:805] -Mortal Strike
[5:57:55 AM:335] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [92]
[5:57:55 AM:357] -Charge
[5:57:56 AM:767] Rarekiller: Found lootable corpse, move to him
[5:57:56 AM:767] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[5:57:56 AM:769] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[5:57:56 AM:769] Loading Northrend_34_17
[5:57:56 AM:991] Loading Northrend_33_17
[5:57:57 AM:198] Unloading tiles!
[5:57:57 AM:200] Loading Northrend_34_17
[5:57:57 AM:415] Loading Northrend_33_17
[5:57:58 AM:929] Rarekiller Part Rarekiller: Take Screenshot successfully killed Dirkee
[5:57:59 AM:642] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:59 AM:676] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:05 AM:689] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:05 AM:689] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:06 AM:234] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:06 AM:267] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:12 AM:290] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:12 AM:290] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:12 AM:807] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:12 AM:807] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:18 AM:839] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:18 AM:839] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:18 AM:839] Rarekiller: Find Dirkee, but sadly he's dead
[5:58:18 AM:839] Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.
[5:58:18 AM:844] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
[5:58:19 AM:061] Spell_C::CastSpell(32239, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [93]
[5:58:21 AM:361] Rarekiller: Found lootable corpse, move to him
[5:58:21 AM:361] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[5:58:21 AM:893] Rarekiller Part Rarekiller: Take Screenshot successfully killed Dirkee
[5:58:22 AM:664] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:22 AM:695] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:28 AM:703] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:28 AM:703] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:29 AM:260] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:29 AM:291] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:35 AM:318] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:35 AM:318] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:35 AM:872] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:35 AM:905] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:41 AM:912] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:41 AM:912] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:42 AM:108] Spell_C::CastSpell(32239, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [94]
[5:58:44 AM:395] Rarekiller: Found lootable corpse, move to him
[5:58:44 AM:395] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[5:58:45 AM:023] Rarekiller Part Rarekiller: Take Screenshot successfully killed Dirkee
[5:58:45 AM:697] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:45 AM:729] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:51 AM:742] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:51 AM:742] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:52 AM:300] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:52 AM:332] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:58 AM:346] Rarekiller: successfully looted
[5:58:58 AM:346] Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.
EDIT: I removed a NPCscan cache issue I posted about because I figured it out and made the post more concise. Thanks!
I downloaded newest HB and loaded up this profile with GB2 along with the plugin AND npcscan.
Here are my problems:
I have mining/herbalism off because I don't want it. When the bot is running, it looks for various different rares including dirkee, vyragosa (and I'm assuming TLPD ... I haven't ran into him yet). The bot also finds the rare spawn in IceCrown called "Putridus the Ancient ID 32487" and attempts to go over there to kill him. The problem is as my warrior flys there I get an error where it can't find it and dismounts and walk to the location. My snowfall lager doesn't kick in and my character warrior freefalls to it's death. I don't see in the options how to turn off that mob.
Another problem is whenever Vyragosa spawns, my warrior pulls her but just stands on the ground attempting to mortal strike etc if Vyragosa isn't in melee distance. It doesn't use my shattering throw/ heroic throw or my 'Throw' skill and ultimately dies. It does initially pull though from my understanding of the logs. I want it to use the 'throw' skill and kill Vyragosa with my thrown weapon. If i check "Shoot down Vyra" will it attempt to use my 'shoot' skill or will the bot recognize my thrown weapon and throw skill and use that to kill Vyragosa?
Whenever the bot tried to kill dirkee it always killed the rarespawn but was never able to loot it. Whenever I was there I had to loot it manually. my BIG concern is what if my bot kills TLPD and doesnt loot it while I'm away?? These things I cannot figure out on my own thru trial and error like how I've been doing with regular botting. Here is the log of the kill. Near the end where it says mob successfully looted, its what I did myself by clicking.
I am using the FPSWare warrior profile if that helps for any of my issues.
Here are some screenshots of my settings that may help. Thanks!
View attachment 33026
View attachment 33027
View attachment 33028
Log of not-looting (this has happened with dirkee numerous times, until I looted manually):
[5:57:38 AM:381] Rarekiller: Find a hunted Mob called Dirkee ID 32500
[5:57:38 AM:383] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[5:57:42 AM:172] Rarekiller Part Rarekiller: Take Screenshot before Pull
[5:57:42 AM:172] Rarekiller: Pull at Mob Location: 7772.519 / -1070.925 / 930.6487
[5:57:42 AM:172] Rarekiller: ... my Location: 7776.411 / -1074.889 / 952.864
[5:57:42 AM:172] Rarekiller: Target is Flying - False
[5:57:44 AM:550] Spell_C::CastSpell(57755, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [76]
[5:57:44 AM:778] Rarekiller Part Spells: * Heroic Throw.
[5:57:44 AM:778] Rarekiller Part Spells: Spell successfull? True.
[5:57:44 AM:778] Rarekiller: Successfully pulled Dirkee
[5:57:44 AM:934] Rarekiller: Use Quick Slowfall: False Mob: Dirkee
[5:57:45 AM:684] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [77]
[5:57:45 AM:703] -Charge
[5:57:45 AM:737] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:45 AM:768] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:57:47 AM:323] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [78]
[5:57:47 AM:629] Spell_C::CastSpell(6673, 0, 0x600000005D792BA, 0) [79]
[5:57:47 AM:660] -Battle Shout on Me
[5:57:48 AM:190] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [80]
[5:57:48 AM:205] -Charge
[5:57:48 AM:837] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [81]
[5:57:48 AM:897] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:48 AM:929] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:57:49 AM:530] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [82]
[5:57:49 AM:858] Spell_C::CastSpell(12294, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [83]
[5:57:49 AM:886] -Mortal Strike
[5:57:50 AM:419] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [84]
[5:57:50 AM:447] -Charge
[5:57:51 AM:112] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [85]
[5:57:51 AM:736] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [86]
[5:57:51 AM:795] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:51 AM:827] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:57:52 AM:749] Spell_C::CastSpell(6343, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [87]
[5:57:52 AM:780] -Thunder Clap
[5:57:53 AM:210] Spell_C::CastSpell(78, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [88]
[5:57:53 AM:241] -Heroic Strike
[5:57:53 AM:770] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [89]
[5:57:53 AM:796] -Charge
[5:57:53 AM:827] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:53 AM:863] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:57:54 AM:454] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [90]
[5:57:54 AM:771] Spell_C::CastSpell(12294, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [91]
[5:57:54 AM:805] -Mortal Strike
[5:57:55 AM:335] Spell_C::CastSpell(100, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [92]
[5:57:55 AM:357] -Charge
[5:57:56 AM:767] Rarekiller: Found lootable corpse, move to him
[5:57:56 AM:767] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[5:57:56 AM:769] Activity: Loading Tile/s
[5:57:56 AM:769] Loading Northrend_34_17
[5:57:56 AM:991] Loading Northrend_33_17
[5:57:57 AM:198] Unloading tiles!
[5:57:57 AM:200] Loading Northrend_34_17
[5:57:57 AM:415] Loading Northrend_33_17
[5:57:58 AM:929] Rarekiller Part Rarekiller: Take Screenshot successfully killed Dirkee
[5:57:59 AM:642] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:57:59 AM:676] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:05 AM:689] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:05 AM:689] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:06 AM:234] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:06 AM:267] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:12 AM:290] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:12 AM:290] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:12 AM:807] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:12 AM:807] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:18 AM:839] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:18 AM:839] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:18 AM:839] Rarekiller: Find Dirkee, but sadly he's dead
[5:58:18 AM:839] Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.
[5:58:18 AM:844] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
[5:58:19 AM:061] Spell_C::CastSpell(32239, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [93]
[5:58:21 AM:361] Rarekiller: Found lootable corpse, move to him
[5:58:21 AM:361] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[5:58:21 AM:893] Rarekiller Part Rarekiller: Take Screenshot successfully killed Dirkee
[5:58:22 AM:664] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:22 AM:695] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:28 AM:703] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:28 AM:703] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:29 AM:260] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:29 AM:291] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:35 AM:318] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:35 AM:318] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:35 AM:872] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:35 AM:905] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:41 AM:912] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:41 AM:912] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:42 AM:108] Spell_C::CastSpell(32239, 0, 0xF1307EF4000EF403, 0) [94]
[5:58:44 AM:395] Rarekiller: Found lootable corpse, move to him
[5:58:44 AM:395] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[5:58:45 AM:023] Rarekiller Part Rarekiller: Take Screenshot successfully killed Dirkee
[5:58:45 AM:697] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:45 AM:729] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:51 AM:742] Rarekiller: Loot failed, try again
[5:58:51 AM:742] Rarekiller: Loot failed 3 Times
[5:58:52 AM:300] InteractDebug:1623231056
[5:58:52 AM:332] Interact Done:1623231056
[5:58:58 AM:346] Rarekiller: successfully looted
[5:58:58 AM:346] Rarekiller: Blacklist Mob for 60 Minutes.
EDIT: I removed a NPCscan cache issue I posted about because I figured it out and made the post more concise. Thanks!
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