Soooo last night I encountered the Time Lost Proto Drake but the bot didnt attack it for some reason and it was tagged by someone else, why did this happen?? Im about to go cry in a corner now..
mine just says moving to hotspot where is hotspot ? XD
how long does it take (in hours) to get this mounts ?
Plugins\RareKiller\config\BlacklistedMobs.xml and add the following lines
<Mob Entry="32487" Name="Putridus the Ancient" />
<Mob Entry="32500" Name="Dirkee" />
<Mob Entry="35189" Name="Skoll" />
<Mob Entry="32491" Name="Time-Lost Proto Drake" />
<Mob Entry="32630" Name="Vyragosa" />
You should add this info in start post:
Rare killer might pull mobs you don't want to pull, add them to black list by doing this:
You can add Vyrgosa and TLPD when you got either one of them as well (might make people leave faster the area if they are just farming for the dragon you don't need, so they don't kill the one you are after)
Once I get my mount/vyrgosa I'll post this script updated and improved with my own waypoint tweaks. =]
Hi Tony! Use the profile for a few days but I have not found Timelost = (
But I found the Vyragosa always kills, but not loot the mobs, I set GB for looting mobs ... What can I do?
Many thanks, Tony!
I've camped this beauty since 2009, and finally after 4 years of camping bor's breath spawn on and off I decided to get some help from HB.
Got mine in the snowdrift plains, if I had been camping it like all the others I'd probably not have gotten it, but flying around I was
in the right place at the right time.
How does rarekiller get aggro, i'm a warrior and it flies?
I've already tried to research on that, but i can't find anything about it or maybe i'm just retarded?thats something you must check it under plugin's thread
Ye i've checked that of course, but it doesn't say anything about aggro, i don't think the description is so detailed as it should in my opinionyou can find plugin's thread here
in case you cant find it