Nod in Black spot but he still tries to collect it ... also does not ignore it after 20 seconds.
Bot can be the whole day until it is correct hands
in the GB2 based version of tTg, the botbase is responsible for blacklisting, maybe i'll add the grindB blacklisting system to the GB2 verison as well
Does Tramper gather GB2 different from grindbot? I only see GB2 on my plugins
the main difference is that the grindbot based one is capable of timber farming and uses my very own behaviors (everything designed from scratch, maybe not that much effective as the GB2 version one but i got more control over individual components
yes it was for a long time gb grind. Then we get gb2 variante to the paid grind variant. after a few days we lost the paid variante and get the gb2 variante. since this time i wait for getting it back to farm timber... and wait and wait.
you're not 100% right about this.
the first alternative version used combat bot, which was built as version 3.0.0 on 27th of Dec 2014, which was the initial test on a custom designed botbase, followed by version 3.0.9, released on jan 4th 2015, i moved from combat bot to grindbot; due to the massive amount of compaints against that version i moved back to distribut the GB2 based version as of jan 5th, 2014, while still providing the Grindbot based version (as some sort of "addon", unrelated to the product itself)
when the product was started back mop of 2014, it was always based on gatherbuddy and promoted as a gatherbuddy enhancement.
so to not disssapoint all prior owners i moved back to the original GB2 which seems everyone wanted back
@ Roboto,
what is the problem to give all persons both versions until the admins can handle the problem. or you can give all the tramper timber until the admins can do this. i haven't open a paypal ticket, because you said the problem will be done at 25.1 this was yesterday. could you give us a new date when it is solved?
i dont see how a paypal ticket should help you; i'm not responsible in any way of any billings or store related stuff, us community devs handle our product and bossland is managing the sales via the store interface.
the "problem", as you call it, simply lies in the fact, that my request at the store team hasn't been done yet, and thus i got no access to either a) billing informations, b) customer informations or c) buddyauth account names, i am not able to handle this task myself.
you're welcome to send me a PM including a screenshot of your buddyauth product overview as well as a reciept for the purcache of theTramper gather and i'll pass you a copy of the grindbot based version