well god bless everyone claiming to be happily using this product, no idea how you do it. I start in Talador, within 15 to 45 min bot is hopelessly - PERMANENTLY - stuck in the middle of Shattrath City Apexis daily group quest area, surrounded by dozens of lvl 100+ elites, waiting out the rez timer over and over. Even on a geared up 540 toon with a tank spec i can't even get out of there **manually**, the only way is to rez and garrison hearth out. similar situations in Nagrand, Frostfire, and I'm sure the rest of the zones if I was nutty enough to start gatherbotting there.
So either this is an impossible technical problem to solve or the developer has never visited these zones in person and thus doesn't get the issue or the developer WANTS us to have the choice to (try to) gather each and every last godforsaken mining node thats worth 2G deep inside elite areas. blacklisting individual nodes is useless, first of they aren't "bugged" as such just in bad areas, 2nd the bot still generates paths thru elite areas whether there are nodes there or not. the only solution I see is for each and every user to generate manually numerous 100 yard radius personal blackposts that overlap each other over, say, all of Shattrath. and do that again a dozen times for the rest of elite areas. and copy/paste the files for each toon. if that's what's actually intended that's just a big FU from the dev to the customers, no offense.
Apparently you haven't read any of my posts in this thread. It definitely does seem that the pathing is random or not mapped out as efficiently as one would hope. I can't use it in it's current state so I'm using plain old GB2 profiles to do my farming. I really wish the devs of this plugin would fix this already as time not used is time/money wasted.