Running atm, 95 druid ally
start in SMV then ends up in Talador near Voljins Pride, and stops as no waypoints etc
other than that it seems to be ok
i have just been working on the database to add new waypoints, talador should be working again.
to make sure the bot stays in the same zone untick "Multizone" in settings.
- it does run directly into various rares, elites etc and tries to fight them. and then tries again after a GY run, and then later again, etc.
since we can not fly in Draenor (yet) this is the only way to do it.
gatherbuddy got a option to ignore elites, as well as theTramper is able to blacklist nodes if X mobs are within an range of Y yards -- however, without flying that does not make sense at all
- more importantly it will waltz into the opposite faction's bases / quest hubs / whole towns ffs and pull all the questgivers / vendors / elite sentinels in the place.
submit a blackspot in that case
it will also spend time in various quest areas / fortresses etc that are packed with hostile mobs (and no nodes)
node selections are based on a database, so if the bot bot is directed to that area it does it for a reason
as for personal blackspots, are they saved per character? any way to avoid that? obviously gathering is done on multiple chars (not going to run one account for 24 hrs straight), and if I spend the time blacklisting a ton of trouble spots on one there is no way i'm doing the same for my next 5 gathering toons. I know you wrote to use the blackspot report and not use personal spots, but honestly i dont even get that.
i highly recommend to submit blackspots instead of creating personal ones, that way those spots are automaticly passed onto all characters.
if you really intend to copy your blackspots from one char to another copy the file called
"" from ~/Settings/theTramper/gather/CharName-RealmName/ to the folder of your choice
so, especially the fighting issue depend on the capability of flying, fly in draenor = less stucks, more nodes, less fighting