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theTramper: gather

update time...

new nodes are just gettings imported

node fitler
should now contain proper english names only

added 78 vendors all over wod

mailboxes for wod are missing
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next update
most of your recently submitted blackspots have been activated.

if your blackspot submission contained a screenshot it's a 100% enable (big thanks to the guy who did that!)
I've run this quite a few hours all over WoD, on a lvl 100 horde with herbalism and mining, and a bit on a 93 lvl char. I just have some general questions

- it does run directly into various rares, elites etc and tries to fight them. and then tries again after a GY run, and then later again, etc.

- more importantly it will waltz into the opposite faction's bases / quest hubs / whole towns ffs and pull all the questgivers / vendors / elite sentinels in the place.

- it will also spend time in various quest areas / fortresses etc that are packed with hostile mobs (and no nodes)

so is that the sort of thing that will quickly get sorted out with the blacklists / blackspots? will it take faction into account, so that horde avoids alliance bases. and avoid all the elites. you get the idea, all this is "gathering" and done on undergeared chars and the goal is mining / herb nodes, so it's just always better to avoid all the crap completely. there's always another node around the corner.

as for personal blackspots, are they saved per character? any way to avoid that? obviously gathering is done on multiple chars (not going to run one account for 24 hrs straight), and if I spend the time blacklisting a ton of trouble spots on one there is no way i'm doing the same for my next 5 gathering toons. I know you wrote to use the blackspot report and not use personal spots, but honestly i dont even get that. i may have a bunch of spots that give me trouble but that doesn't mean they should be banned for everyone else, they might not have any issues with the area. a lot of it depends on toon level and gear as well, some spot for an undergeared toon might be death 100% of the time but for another there's zero issues. they can't be global blackspots. just the way i understood it.

Running atm, 95 druid ally

start in SMV then ends up in Talador near Voljins Pride, and stops as no waypoints etc

other than that it seems to be ok
Running atm, 95 druid ally

start in SMV then ends up in Talador near Voljins Pride, and stops as no waypoints etc

other than that it seems to be ok
i have just been working on the database to add new waypoints, talador should be working again.
to make sure the bot stays in the same zone untick "Multizone" in settings.

- it does run directly into various rares, elites etc and tries to fight them. and then tries again after a GY run, and then later again, etc.
since we can not fly in Draenor (yet) this is the only way to do it.
gatherbuddy got a option to ignore elites, as well as theTramper is able to blacklist nodes if X mobs are within an range of Y yards -- however, without flying that does not make sense at all

- more importantly it will waltz into the opposite faction's bases / quest hubs / whole towns ffs and pull all the questgivers / vendors / elite sentinels in the place.
submit a blackspot in that case

it will also spend time in various quest areas / fortresses etc that are packed with hostile mobs (and no nodes)
node selections are based on a database, so if the bot bot is directed to that area it does it for a reason

as for personal blackspots, are they saved per character? any way to avoid that? obviously gathering is done on multiple chars (not going to run one account for 24 hrs straight), and if I spend the time blacklisting a ton of trouble spots on one there is no way i'm doing the same for my next 5 gathering toons. I know you wrote to use the blackspot report and not use personal spots, but honestly i dont even get that.
i highly recommend to submit blackspots instead of creating personal ones, that way those spots are automaticly passed onto all characters.
if you really intend to copy your blackspots from one char to another copy the file called
"PersonalBlackspots.data" from ~/Settings/theTramper/gather/CharName-RealmName/ to the folder of your choice

so, especially the fighting issue depend on the capability of flying, fly in draenor = less stucks, more nodes, less fighting
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i will be adding improvements to the way how the server generates movement patterns over the next 2 hours
expect a few downtimes over the next few hours

[tech info]
i finally finished reworking parsings of blackspots onto profile generation. before they were just used to omit hotspots on selections.
now i am generating intelligent ways 'around' that blackspot - this should have a major impact in pandaria, however, it depends on YOUR submissions, so please submit blackspots rather than using personal ones
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additional info

all trials on theTramper:gather have been reset.
so if you ever tried the plugin once you will get a new chance of using it for free
additional info

all trials on theTramper:gather have been reset.
so if you ever tried the plugin once you will get a new chance of using it for free
having a really hard time atm , my hunter has "stuck" every 2 min and my druid is stuck every 10 sec :/ tries to move to ore and stuck
OK thanks for answer, I will keep testing. i assume things will get better with the community blackspots. Like I said, I realize there is a database of all nodes and it's going places for a reason, but it also needs to be at least somewhat AFKable. if going for a node makes a horde toon pass thru an alliance base surrounded by elite guards, that makes no sense. just ignore that node, let it be.

thanks for the tip for copying personal blackspot files.
OK thanks for answer, I will keep testing. i assume things will get better with the community blackspots. Like I said, I realize there is a database of all nodes and it's going places for a reason, but it also needs to be at least somewhat AFKable. if going for a node makes a horde toon pass thru an alliance base surrounded by elite guards, that makes no sense. just ignore that node, let it be.

thanks for the tip for copying personal blackspot files.
you're right, however, navigation is in the resonsibility of Honorbuddy Developers.
i will get into it as time passes by
got this already twice today


theTramper gather | Distance to end: 2220
theTramper gather | Distance to end: 2220
theTramper gather | Distance to end: 2220
theTramper gather | Distance to end: 2220


he just stays there
If you're encountering navigation issues, please post them in THIS THREAD

@sapcecake: thanks for the report, plese forward this to the navigation thread
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Hey mates,

Running this on my druid (98) and have found some issues /fixes.
Was having issues with it stopping any movement after a few mins, pressing stop and start again seemed to sort this out but i want to afk this. Use singular as your CR, i had been using other crs on my farmer for years with no issues and with tramper in WoD with no problems but for some reason it only works well/afkable with singular. Not really a problems though, singular works fine.
I have also set distances to 300/2000, seems to be working very well in Talador.

Hope this helps someone, hf!
Hey mate are you able to Force a loot override from the plugin?

Why i ask is the random spawns you get when mining or herbing a node like Disturbed Podling - NPC - World of Warcraft ... there is also a Goren from mining nodes..Goren Protector - NPC - World of Warcraft

Reason i ask is not looting these is a great income loss, But using the Loot mobs check box in GB2...lots every mob killed and that just fills bags with junk..anyway we can make it only loot these random spawns?
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well I've run this again a ton of hours. after my previous report. i didn't really get any answers, just some stuff about flying and how running into elites is unavoidable. anyhow here's my suggestion:

this is an excellent product, in theory. you just need to make it work in WARLORDS OF DRAENOR. there is no more flying, might not be the entire expansion. there is no more flying GB2. you can't give away the MoP herbs and ore. so, it has to work in WoD, no excuse. on a ground mount.

Right now, it looks wonderful IN THEORY as it automatically figures out the routes and finds nodes. However, I can't really leave it alone for more than 15 minutes. it's completely non-afkable.

- has a lot of stuck issues. just runs into some tree or boulder and spazzes out running into it forever, I don't see any unstuck logic like walking backwards then sideways

- every 15 min or so it will randomly just stop in front of a node. RIGHT ON IT, not stuck, not out of range. will stand there forever. when i click the node manually, it continues on its merry way.

- and here is the big one. It goes thru bad areas and gets itself killed. this is not solvable with the 100 radius personal blackspots. you guys need to find EVERY place in WoD that's to be avoided, and exclude from pathing forever. alliance towns for horde and vice versa. right now the bot in Talador decided to walk thru Shattrath and that nightmare area south of it, completely filled with elites. when it GY runs back, it just dies again. same for numerous other areas in every zone THAT A BOT WHOSE ONLY PURPOSE IS TO GATHER HERBS AND ORE SHOULD NEVER VISIT, yet this one loves to visit them.

Hope you can figure it out! great product otherwise, but again, not usable if it refuses to avoid completely useless (and deadly) areas like opposing faction towns and elite questing zones like Shatt etc.
I just started using this, so I've been trying it in Shadowmoon Valley. Sometimes it just stops moving in random locations (not being stuck) and I can't do anything. Do I have the settings wrong?

