ok, i guess i find. this olg hope can find problem:
[02:24:35.359 D] --------------- Settings ---------------
[02:24:35.361 D] SelectedRegion: BestLatency
[02:24:35.361 D] UICulture: zh-Hans
[02:24:35.361 D] UseFrameLock: True
[02:24:35.361 D] CharacterDetailsInTitle: False
[02:24:35.361 D] SendUsageInformation: False
[02:24:35.361 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines
[02:24:35.361 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False
[02:24:35.361 D] PluginsPath: Plugins
[02:24:35.361 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False
[02:24:35.361 D] BotsPath: Bots
[02:24:35.361 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False
[02:24:35.361 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors
[02:24:35.361 D] MinimizeToTray: False
[02:24:35.361 D] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Ray\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes
[02:24:35.361 D] KillBetweenHotspots: False
[02:24:35.361 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
[02:24:35.361 D] LogoutForInactivity: False
[02:24:35.361 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20
[02:24:35.361 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[02:24:35.361 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[02:24:35.361 D] LogLevel: Normal
[02:24:35.361 D] SeperatedLogFolders: False
[02:24:35.361 D] SelectTalents: True
[02:24:35.361 D] ClassProfileName: Warrior - Arms
[02:24:35.361 D] AutoEquip: True
[02:24:35.361 D] AutoEquipBags: True
[02:24:35.361 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True
[02:24:35.361 D] AutoEquipArmor: True
[02:24:35.361 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False
[02:24:35.361 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic
[02:24:35.361 D] RollOnItems: True
[02:24:35.361 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True
[02:24:35.361 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon
[02:24:35.361 D] TicksPerSecond: 15
[02:24:35.361 D] FoodAmount: 0
[02:24:35.361 D] DrinkAmount: 0
[02:24:35.361 D] EnabledPlugins:
[02:24:35.361 D] Refreshment Detection
[02:24:35.362 D] TheBrodieMan's Compendium
[02:24:35.362 D] RecentProfiles:
[02:24:35.362 D] Golden Lotus@@!@@store:///TheBrodieMan Productions Complete Package/Pandaria Package/Dailies/Golden Lotus Dailies.xml
[02:24:35.362 D] The MoP Dailies Experience@@!@@store:///TheBrodieMan Productions Complete Package/Pandaria Package/Dailies/Start Pandaria Dailies.xml
[02:24:35.362 D] Farming Daily@@!@@store:///TheBrodieMan Productions Complete Package/Pandaria Package/Dailies/Halfhill Farm Dailies.xml
[02:24:35.362 D] The Tillers@@!@@store:///TheBrodieMan Productions Complete Package/Pandaria Package/Dailies/Tillers Dailies.xml
[02:24:35.362 D] [QB][Daily]Tooth and Claw, by Aion@@!@@store:///Draenor Pathfinder (Unlock Draenor Flying)/Tanaan Diplomat/Side Dailies/[QB][Daily]Tooth and Claw.xml
[02:24:35.362 D] OverrideProfileSettings: False
[02:24:35.362 D] SellGrey: True
[02:24:35.362 D] SellWhite: True
[02:24:35.362 D] SellGreen: True
[02:24:35.362 D] SellBlue: False
[02:24:35.362 D] SellPurple: False
[02:24:35.362 D] MailGrey: False
[02:24:35.362 D] MailWhite: False
[02:24:35.362 D] MailGreen: False
[02:24:35.362 D] MailBlue: True
[02:24:35.362 D] MailPurple: True
[02:24:35.362 D] IgnoreCheckpoints: False
[02:24:35.362 D] SelectedBotName: 任务模式
[02:24:35.362 D] UseFlightPaths: True
[02:24:35.362 D] FindMountAutomatically: True
[02:24:35.362 D] UseRandomMount: False
[02:24:35.362 D] MailRecipient has no value yet
[02:24:35.362 D] FoodName: 113509
[02:24:35.362 D] DrinkName: 113509
[02:24:35.837 D] MountName: 黑色作戰科多獸 (
[02:24:35.846 D] FlyingMountName: 歐爾灰燼 (
[02:24:35.846 D] LootMobs: True
[02:24:35.846 D] SkinMobs: False
[02:24:35.846 D] NinjaSkin: False
[02:24:35.846 D] LootChests: True
[02:24:35.846 D] HarvestMinerals: False
[02:24:35.846 D] HarvestHerbs: False
[02:24:35.846 D] UseMount: True
[02:24:35.846 D] PullDistance: 100
[02:24:35.846 D] LootRadius: 45
[02:24:35.846 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Ray\Desktop\魔獸兄弟\Honorbuddy 2.5.14527.804\Default Profiles\Questing Profile Pack\Auto Loader.xml
[02:24:35.846 D] MountDistance: 60
[02:24:35.846 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[02:24:35.846 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[02:24:35.846 D] ----------------------------------------
[02:24:35.850 D] Activity: 魔兽兄弟启动完成
[02:24:35.850 N] 魔兽兄弟启动完成
[02:24:49.131 D] Loading profile from store:///TheBrodieMan Productions/Pandaria Expansion Package/Dailies/Start Pandaria Dailies.xml
[02:24:49.137 D] Attempted to load store:///TheBrodieMan Productions/Pandaria Expansion Package/Dailies/Start Pandaria Dailies.xml, unable to find designated profile anywhere.
[02:24:49.137 D] Loading profile from store:///TheBrodieMan Productions Complete Package/Pandaria Package/Dailies/Start Pandaria Dailies.xml
[02:24:56.246 D] Downloaded map HawaiiMainLand
[02:24:56.404 D] Changed map(s) to HawaiiMainLand
[02:24:56.440 N] Changing current profile to The MoP Dailies Experience
[02:24:56.440 D] BlackspotManager forcing unload of meshes - New profile loaded
[02:24:57.029 D] Set query filter to Horde
[02:24:57.065 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Anger Management (152278) | Archaeology (110393) | Armor Skills (076268)
[02:24:57.065 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Auto Attack (006603) | Battle Shout (006673) | Battle Stance (002457)
[02:24:57.065 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Berserker Rage (018499) | Blacksmithing (158737) | Brawn (154743)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Charge (000100) | Cold Weather Flying (054197) | Colossus Smash (167105)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Commanding Shout (000469) | Concussion Blow (175708) | Cooking (158765)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire (000818) | Cultivation (020552) | Defensive Stance (000071)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Die by the Sword (118038) | Endurance (020550) | Enhanced Rend (174737)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enhanced Sweeping .. (157461) | Enraged Regeneration (055694) | Execute (163201)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: First Aid (158741) | Fishing (131474) | Flight Master's Li.. (090267)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Garrison Ability (161691) | Guild Mail (083951) | Hamstring (001715)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hasty Hearth (083944) | Heroic Leap (006544) | Heroic Strike (000078)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Heroic Throw (057755) | Improved Die by th.. (157452) | Improved Recklessn.. (176051)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Inspiring Presence (167188) | Intervene (003411) | Intimidating Shout (005246)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Juggernaut (103826) | Languages (079746) | Mass Resurrection (083968)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Master Riding (090265) | Mobile Banking (083958) | Mount Up (078633)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Nature Resistance (020551) | Pummel (006552) | Rallying Cry (097462)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Recklessness (001719) | Rend (000772) | Seasoned Soldier (012712)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Shield Barrier (112048) | Shield Charge (156321) | Smelting (002656)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Spell Reflection (023920) | Sudden Death (029725) | Survey (080451)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Sweeping Strikes (012328) | Taunt (000355) | The Quick and the .. (083950)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Thunder Clap (006343) | Unleashed Rage (175710) | Victory Rush (034428)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: War Stomp (020549) | Weapon Mastery (165365) | Weapon Skills (076290)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Whirlwind (001680) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Bladestorm (46924) overrides Unleashed Rage (175710)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Shield Barrier (174926) overrides Shield Barrier (112048)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Mass Spell Reflection (114028) overrides Spell Reflection (23920)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Mortal Strike (12294) overrides Heroic Strike (78)
[02:24:57.066 D] [SpellManager] Shockwave (46968) overrides Concussion Blow (175708)