I got same problems during few days (i.e. that problems occurs each time)
sorry, english is not native, so it may be diffucult to understand me
Among the Champions - Quest - World of Warcraft
troubles with navigation to mount. Profile going throught fence and stuck near horde raptor.
Can you tune up navigation to alliance mounts? i.e. going to 71.6, 22.6 for example, and go to horse (there are no fences)
2) finish quests at
Eadric the Pure - NPC - World of Warcraft
profile does 2 quests:
Battle Before The Citadel - Quest - World of Warcraft and
Threat From Above - Quest - World of Warcraft
when all quests completed, profile selects Eadric. Game shows 2 quests to choose.... and nothing happened
when I manually click on some quest - profile autocomplete it, and autocomplete other one quest
so issue here - profile does not select some quest,and freezes here
3. quest
Threat From Above - Quest - World of Warcraft
profile kills
http://www.wowhead.com/npc=33687 and 1
other 2
http://www.wowhead.com/npc=33695 stays and do not aggro me (i'm lvl 100, and they ignore me)
and everything stuck here.
so solution is to kill other 2
http://www.wowhead.com/npc=33695 as well
4. pre-quest line. I tested problem on my several alts who never was at Argent Tournament
Profile equiped
http://www.wowhead.com/item=46069/alliance-lance for first tasks, and did not equiped my original weapon back after completing required quests.
Profile continue for Black Knight quest line. And stucked on some alts, when killing was required (game shows 'specified weapon should equiped' to use required abilities to kill target)
so solution is to equip weapon back after completing required intro quests
5. additional navigation issue for alliance building Argent Tournament Grounds 76,20
in many quests profile is flying to 76.7, 20.2, unmounts, and go to exit throught fence
and stuck sometime at 76.1, 20.36
solution is to fly to 75.5, 20.4 instead - just near to enter to building - and navigation issue will be resolved