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The thread for us who haven't got banned but are botting alot.

I've been booting for quiet some time now. 2 80's but never put them to bot 24/7...i usually ran 8 to 10 hours @ low levels (1-60) then i started to play with a bit more (Random Dungeons and stuff) even jumping around IF while i was bored.

My Server is low pop...REALLY low pop. I was usually botting at night from 02:00 am to 10:00am or so...then a break doing some Random Dungeons and back again up to 5:30pm when raid starts.
Have never been banned. Have botting 2 years now,dont do any special.
Sometimes i bot like 24/7 in 5 days or more. Sometimes i dont bot in a week.
Have problem with my internet connection. But i play alot by hand.

Selling all everything thats worth something on AH.
although i did get nabbed last week for a temp ban (that was reversed) i have ran bots for several years from a friend making them using macro express to glider now HB. i dont run as much since the temp ban that i got trying to lay low on main account so that i dont bot on. on second account i am running it for about 14 hours a day. the most i ever used was a fish bot. i was on for almost 17 days straight at one time (minus restarts) but there wasnt many maintence periods then and hardly a restart. there are only 2 ways that blizz can catch you. 1 is warden (keep getting that frickin message today that they are checking it) and 2 player reports. only time i have gotten anything was last week when doing BG. in wsg no one cared cause its so small and you tend to always run towards a fight. i switched to AB and presto temp ban. so i suggest WSG it may not be as much honor but much safer botting. my friend has been doing it almost non stop for the last week and has had no problems.
Just starting to get back into botting, back from my break

Before i took a break i ran


GBs ran every day for 6 hours, then if i fancied putting them on again i would,

HBs ran 14/7 and 24/7 on Sunday

Iv only been banned twice, in 3years of botting
I bot 24/7 all the time. Just play on a low pop realm, have cowstats up, and KINGREPLY SMS for texting back to whispers.
Just curious Tony, with 5 characters and light ah use, Are you leveling characters to handplay?
just for fun...
i have a "Legendary" main acc with 10x80lvl chars 10xdiff classes
thats my handplay acc
24/7 Hardcore botter. Run toon after toon after toon. So far have gotten 8 level 80's from HB all on different servers though. Gold I Make sits in all my toons guild banks. Have bank tabs for all 8 of my toons. only half of them are filled though. love using bots since game got boring. I even bot on my main account I don't give a FUCK anymore if they going to ban me then they are going to do it, but if they don't then better for me. I do sell gold privately to guild members and my IRL friends. 50K+ at a time. no more than 100k though. Trade face to face after the payment is in my paypal account. I make roughly $4-$500/week from private sales. I use the public profiles that are posted here on GB/HB site. Some farming profiles though I have personal ones I use.
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I've just been botting nonstop, a bit of AH use and a few BG's. I've had my toon botting for at least 2 days in a row before. It's really only down when I'm gearing, going to Outland or Northrend or during maintenance.
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I keep very quiet when mine our running, I keep all my gear up to date, I disenchant anything I don't need and at times I will follow my bots and toss heals on them.
How and why I bot:

I am a casual botter.
I am a member of a what you might call a cutting edge guild. I have killed everything in the game that you can kill. My main and my alts got the gear thereafter.
I started botting because I realized that I wouldn't have time to get consumables etc to keep on endgame raiding when my IRL kicked in and I got a daughter. Now I bot because I am bored as f*ck with the game and I think its fun to setup the bots and make meshes/profiles and see em working. Of course it also covers the weekly repair/consumables costs.
I also love multiboxing the normal way and doing 5man HC's with bots have proven to be fun as well. I have no economic intrests in botting at all.

I use inscription/alchemy to make my gold, i make roughly 20-40k / week if/when I need to fill up. But remember, its just for my own use.
I use GB whenever its needed to restock. When I use GB I fire up 2 alts with epic flier and go mine/herb crazy for 48 hours or so.
I have alchemy on 10 chars with transmute mastery. Epic gems is the way to go, I got all gem recipes known to man on my main as well.
All herbs go into making glyphs. When I need cash I keep 5 glyphs of all glyphs that sells for more then 5g up on the AH at all time using the amazing eAuction plugin.
My AH activity is very .. spikey so to speak. I never undercut more then 1%.

When I lvl my bots I use my own profiles/meshes. They are all somewhat off the beaten path and I babysit em all the very first time I run em.
I keep a close watch on the profile section here to see that noone else makes profiles in the same area, if ppl do I change my own.
As soon as I am happy with the mesh/profile I normally let it run 24/7 until they hit their lvl (58/68/80).
A key to the profilemaking is to KNOW the area yourself and adjust your route thereafter (since I have played this game since the only playable faction was Alliance and SM was endgame I do know most areas of the game and where/how ppl level).
Since HB introduced RAF I have made all my profiles/meshes for grps of atleast 2, with alot of adds and grouped mobs.
I don't ever buy gear to my bots instead I let the autoequip plugin deal with that (but for the love of God change the values in the file).
I vendor pretty much everything they find up until +78 blues.
When they hit 20 I normally do one evening of Cath runs with my main to get them to 40.
I keep em in a guild to avoid all guildinvites and such.

You will get reported in a BG because it is so bloody obvious that you are a bot.

Remember, whatever might be posted here on why/what makes ppl getting banned, that 99% of all bans are from playerreports.
Ppl can tell you that it is automatic banned due to AH usage, vendoring, not questing etc. Thats all BS. Just ignore it and bot away.

Best shit Ive ever read.. This is the right way to do it. If you get banned doing what he does you just got unlucky or you really fucked up somehow with your profile. This post should be stickied somehow for newbees who shit their pants being too scared to bot longer than 6 hours a day ;)
1) I use gatherbuddy at night about 22.00 to 6.00 to gather herbs and nods (use stone when bags are full).
Everything colelcted in guild bank. Most of the stuff used by Inscription to make Darkmoon cards and sell them ah. Saronite vendor
Titan and Frostlotus and ?onen stuff ah.

2) Honorbuddy to level from 06.00 to 16.00

3) Honorbuddy PvP from 16.00 to 22.00

All with 2 Accounts. Not banned since 1 months
I bot it about 24/7 I am in a guild and participate in chat, I barely use auction house and every so often I do a few quests that I can do overnight such as killing mobs and then turning them in in the morning for the extra xp.