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The thread for us who haven't got banned but are botting alot.


Jan 15, 2010
Purpose of thread.

* See if we all do something that others don't.
* Help out newbies with our "tips and hints" on how NOT to get banned.
* Pie eating

using gatherbuddy every night for 8-9 hours straight. never bots during the day coz thats when the servers are most populated. never had any problems.
Also using Honorbuddy sometimes. same thing then, just using it in the nighttime. (usually from 23:00 till 09:00) not in weekends tho.
Used HB for about 14hours a day at the start. And slowed down to 8hours the last 10 lvls. Havent got banned so far. Botting usually at night time, when theres minimum people online.

All my bots have been in a Guild. I just chatted while i bot.
How and why I bot:

I am a casual botter.
I am a member of a what you might call a cutting edge guild. I have killed everything in the game that you can kill. My main and my alts got the gear thereafter.
I started botting because I realized that I wouldn't have time to get consumables etc to keep on endgame raiding when my IRL kicked in and I got a daughter. Now I bot because I am bored as f*ck with the game and I think its fun to setup the bots and make meshes/profiles and see em working. Of course it also covers the weekly repair/consumables costs.
I also love multiboxing the normal way and doing 5man HC's with bots have proven to be fun as well. I have no economic intrests in botting at all.

I use inscription/alchemy to make my gold, i make roughly 20-40k / week if/when I need to fill up. But remember, its just for my own use.
I use GB whenever its needed to restock. When I use GB I fire up 2 alts with epic flier and go mine/herb crazy for 48 hours or so.
I have alchemy on 10 chars with transmute mastery. Epic gems is the way to go, I got all gem recipes known to man on my main as well.
All herbs go into making glyphs. When I need cash I keep 5 glyphs of all glyphs that sells for more then 5g up on the AH at all time using the amazing eAuction plugin.
My AH activity is very .. spikey so to speak. I never undercut more then 1%.

When I lvl my bots I use my own profiles/meshes. They are all somewhat off the beaten path and I babysit em all the very first time I run em.
I keep a close watch on the profile section here to see that noone else makes profiles in the same area, if ppl do I change my own.
As soon as I am happy with the mesh/profile I normally let it run 24/7 until they hit their lvl (58/68/80).
A key to the profilemaking is to KNOW the area yourself and adjust your route thereafter (since I have played this game since the only playable faction was Alliance and SM was endgame I do know most areas of the game and where/how ppl level).
Since HB introduced RAF I have made all my profiles/meshes for grps of atleast 2, with alot of adds and grouped mobs.
I don't ever buy gear to my bots instead I let the autoequip plugin deal with that (but for the love of God change the values in the file).
I vendor pretty much everything they find up until +78 blues.
When they hit 20 I normally do one evening of Cath runs with my main to get them to 40.
I keep em in a guild to avoid all guildinvites and such.

You will get reported in a BG because it is so bloody obvious that you are a bot.

Remember, whatever might be posted here on why/what makes ppl getting banned, that 99% of all bans are from playerreports.
Ppl can tell you that it is automatic banned due to AH usage, vendoring, not questing etc. Thats all BS. Just ignore it and bot away.
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I have botted for 4 years and never got a single report or anything like that. I bot 24/7 and sell powerleveling so i have at least 5 accounts running 24/7. After serverresets I always wait 6 hours before turning the bots on again, especcially after a new patch. I never bot for gold so I'm not filling up the AH with stuff every day, only once every third day.
On my main account I use priox for BG botting 24/7 and have never got a single report and/or AFK debuff.
I'm not answering wispers.
I'm using standard HB meshes and profiles atm.
I have leveled 1-80 on hundreds of chars and none of the chars have got the achievement "50 quests completed".

My advise is to not use the AH too much if you're not in to getting profit from selling gold. If you are a gold seller then you WILL get banned sooner or later. Thats how it is.
4 ACC's Same guild diffrent profiles. Running them 24/7.

No AH activity on these accounts at all.

Personal use , no gold selling.
I bot 24h/24h mixed AV since january... i've 7 chars to 80 so far..

never had any problem... until the day arrives :D
3 characters to 80 never ben banned or suspended.
one issue had a character tell me he knew i was botting. i talked to him and told him im no gold seller or anything and he seemed pretty cool. said he didnt report me.

i bot 24/7
Doubt we're doing anything different.
Just those getting banned are unlucky.
Botting is a game of russian roulette, you take the risk of putting that ban gun to your head each time you do it.
One day it will fire, you'll be banned.
Enjoy it while you survive.
I go 24/7 whenever I can, I stop botting after 3 days, then start again the next.
I get a BIG SOCIAL guild (the kind that invites you and has like 100 people on everyday) you won't get noticed as much.
I grab as many achievements as possible before botting, I get my char's armor up to date.

That's all I really do.
Got an account with 2 80's init, 1 with full herb and the other one with full mining.
I gather 24/7 with that account (i change toon every 2 days) been running it for almost a month now, only got some lame whispers from goldsellers and sometimes from random ppl asking where i got the proto drake (never /w them back :P)
I bot for about 18hours but before hand i do random lfgs for gear and achiev's then get profs up abit then let the bot take over.
Currently running 8GB, 2HB and 2 fishing bots.
GB is running in pairs doing 6hr rotations. GB bots are always started roughly the same times in order to maintain a regular time period.
1HB for leveling which is currently running 10hours per day.
1HB for auctions, runs all weekend night and day.
2 Fishing bots which run 2hours per location at a maximum of 8hours per day.

With the exception of my auction seller none of my bots run weekends. It is also a bit of hassle getting up randomly in the early morning hours to adjust the bots but I never sleep well anyway.

I also run no more than 2 bots per wow folder, with the exception of the 2HB and 2 Fishing bots. Each wow folder is also located on a different HDD.