Testing my profile for 3 days without a single error...
Anonuzer come on Live Support to check it when possible
thats what we are trying to find outSo our errors are user error somehow?
thats what we are trying to find out
till now we cant reproduce this error on our machines
Turns out my problems were indeed user error. I didn't have them properly named when I uploaded them to the auth server. I reuploaded them and named them Wintergrasp and tmpWintergrasp and it has worked perfectly now for 9 hrs. It seemed to be the obvious problem since it wouldn't switch, but would run fine until switch occurred. I had previously named them wintergrasp.xml and tmpwintergrasp.xml....
you are welcome mateLove this profile Tony! Keep up the good work!
probably you are on a bad server(many bots)This profile goes AFK on me at times for some reason.
Gb is not made to work with a minimized WoW windowIt continues to find nodes and gather but its status will just be away. It becomes very obvious that I'm a botter. The problem only occurs when I minimize WoW though.
Is the badnodes file complete though? I am frequently getting stuck by trees and towers in Wintergrasp.
thx mateSomehow my windows installation became corrupted. I did a complete HD restore last night and am in the process of rebuilding my software portfolio. As soon as I get everything installed and running again I'll let you know if I'm still having the problem.