HeyFirst off, really amazing plugin! I am, however, having some problems with the loop profiles. It won't move at all, and I get this error:
Could not generate path from {7080.831, -262.2853, 791.5327} to {7074.206, -655.0214, 902.6478} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
What am I doing wrong?
The camper profile seems to work pretty good, although I have not found anything yet![]()
[/COLOR]Are you dieing because she bomb you down?
Vyra is a bad opponent for Rogues because she's a Flying Caster. Did you checked "Shoot down Vyra"? If yes, may I have your Log to look why it doesn't work? If this all doesn't help you could also check "Don't kill Vyragosa"
Hmm don't realize that Camperprofile isn't make a Corpserun. I will attend to another Profile (Profile with 1 Hotspot for GB2 or Grindbot) with Corpserun on Sunday.
This is something which should be implemented in the Core of HB, I think.
But I will look into this, too next week
Which Version are you using? I already implemented this yesturday early morning in the 1.4.1. Or is it still broken?Interesting bug. Came back to the plugin going apeshit on trying to pull a mob but being unable to. It was spamming this for pages.
Come to find out it was due to a Hunter having a pet that was obviously one of the rares that the plugin was looking for (some white panther with blue glowing mouth and eyes). Since I didn't recognize the name (since the Hunter had renamed it) but it must have still had the same critter ID.
hi there.. Used your rarekiller + camper and went to sleep.. wanted to get aeonaxx
when I woke up just saw that I was disconnected from the server.. here is the log:
and I want to mention that when I login again - I was alive..not dead. help me pls to understand it..
Aeonaxx and Camel Figurine Collector are already implemented in Rarekiller.Why are there still 3 diffren Project from you for all hunting aspects, i think at least the camel figurines could be implemented in rarekiller, same for aeonaxx even if its early alpha. Less plugins around![]()
Which Version are you using? I already implemented this yesturday early morning in the 1.4.1. Or is it still broken?
And only 5 Minutes ago:
View attachment 20457
Now I will hunt only Aoenaxx.![]()
Why he says he died, I don't know. The Camperprofile hasn't got Corpserun as I was told...
And I don't know why he moves to hotspots, hmmm. There are not Hotspots in the Camperprofile.
HB doesn't need hotspots or anything in the profile in order to to a corpse run. He probably died somewhere where the bot couldn't path to, that's why it couldn't fetch the corpse.
My advice: stop botting on a PvP server if you can't handle the random deaths to players. A bot is no match for a skilled player.
Also, should use the route profiles with Gatherbuddy2, it's better to run around while searching for the drake. That's how I got it.