I'll answer. Unless they release an x64 client blizzard still has the most obvious, simple, and loggable flag just hanging out. At this point it's apparent bossland isn't willing to invest the time to port the client over regardless of performance boons or security potential. Shame as I really wanted to come back for legion, my top 50 guild actually expects that I am.
Unfortunately judging by a few factors and variables available to anyone playing or not, botting or not, wow isn't headed in a good direction and is likely on its way out. That doesn't matter as much to me as the fact that the only MO for botting now is suicides or profit - made up of people that wouldn't know an mmorpg if it kicked them in the teeth, nor that care about the faux one they're botting in.
The reason I'm not returning is the aforementioned coupled with the fact I care much about my 44 100s. Imagine how little you would have to care to throw your accounts away in any game tbh. Not the type of people I want to play with.
Meanwhile blizzard is hypocritically selling gold while banning us for doing so. Banning us for leveling while they do nothing about griefers en masse and people who seek to find entertainment by trashing the game and the people in it.
It's just toxic now and beyond risky. Not even worth playing by hand. The game seen its best days 9+ years ago. Even then it was soft for an mmo but the more casual something becomes the more it's permeated by kids and trash. Look at the wii. Look at farmland or whatever it is on Facebook.
Anyhow - super extra off topic. This is the end of my mini rant
Before you ask why I'm still here then, not only because I invested 11 years of my life in the upper echelon of the game each and every day, but because I was hoping due to the mass consistent bannings something would change.
For now, banging my head against the wall trying to determine whether or not 4x Titan ---> 4x 980ti is a worthy upgrade for oculus or whether I should use the extra scratch towards my surround sound setup.
First world problems..