If its the same type of release that Blizz did with WoD, the bot wont have any downtime until a week or two after release. With WoD, everything was loaded into the client at pre-patch, and when it was time to start WoD, the quest to enter the Dark Portal popped up automatically. There was no down time for a couple of weeks afterwards.I wouldnt be surprised if the bot was down for the first week of legion. anything earlier than that should be considered extraordinary.
You must be playing/botting wow from a few months, don't you?RIP Boomkin Starfall farming
RIP Potion of Luck
RIP Raw gold (cata and pandaria getting nerfed by ~20%)
This is going to be a hard month for gold farmers until legion adds new gold farming methods with the shoulder enchants.
You must be playing/botting wow from a few months, don't you?
Blizz usually nerf something because its extremely OP!
But then community find another batch of useful goldfarming methods, usable for another several months or so.
This is how our virtual world works, welcome on board!
I have a bunch of new raw gold farms that wont be available till legion. Its only the prepatch that makes it hard because methods are being taken out without the new ones being put in.
Good Idea SRH;
I am all paid up, so I will probably play the new class until HB is up and running. I am still debating on legionbuddy though. I cant say that I am liking the single CR that comes with it and only for a month at that. anyways we'll see.
As a side note: thanks to all the participants of this thread for their constructive comments.
I have no doubt that things will be back the way they are. Just takes time.
I was watching a video on Retribution Paladin in Legion and the attacks were quite slow and deliberate. I don't know if the character operator was the fault, but I am hoping my Favorite char has not been subdued too much.
Ret is by far my favorite. too.
The main problem with Ret come Legion is everyone and their dog wants to main them now that they get Ashbringer...For some reason, people think they'll be some unique and special butterfly because of their sword, but will probably lose interest when they actually realize everyone else will be dressed exactly like them with the exact same weapon.
I read the exact same post when Cata dropped...
Has anyone heard from the Glad suite devs? if they have an ETA or if theyre working on any of their routines?
this link above explained just about everything for me regarding legionbuddy. So keen to use it as i only use honorbuddy for CR's. Just hope that the Glad suite devs will migrate there.. need them PvP CRs