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The Legion Pre-Expansion Patch Arrives July 19 - Are the Cr Devs READY?

possibly, but the ptr is avail for the CR Authors to update their CR's.
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Most of the CR devs have been aware of this for weeks - maybe even months. I know Echo said ages ago that it would be on the 19th, so he was rushing to get all the Artifact Weapon quest lines done before then.
Blizzard always releases the prePatch on the same day the season ends, it was just a matter of time before they officially announced it.
Agreed; this post was to ensure others were aware of the Class Changes coming this Tuesday and to nudge the Current CR Authors to get their poop in a group for their current and future customers.
Most of the CR devs have been aware of this for weeks - maybe even months. I know Echo said ages ago that it would be on the 19th, so he was rushing to get all the Artifact Weapon quest lines done before then.
Blizzard always releases the prePatch on the same day the season ends, it was just a matter of time before they officially announced it.

Why the rush to get the artifact weapon quest lines completed? They have very clearly announced that the artifact weapons will not be available in the pre-patch:

Content Not Coming in the Legion Prepatch
The following types of content will not be available in the 7.0 prepatch. You will have to wait until Legion goes live to access this.
Leveling beyond level 100.
Order Halls on the Broken Isles.
New dungeons and raids.
Level 110 Proving Grounds.
Level 110 Mythic+ Dungeons.
New PvP season.
Legion Mounts, Pets, and Transmog Styles
Artifact Weapons
Legion Legendaries
New Profession items and leveling from 1-800 with Legion materials.
This I understand as well, but the class abilities will be changed in the pre patch this Tuesday, so the current CR's will have to be adapted to accommodate those changes. That is my concern.
This I understand as well, but the class abilities will be changed in the pre patch this Tuesday, so the current CR's will have to be adapted to accommodate those changes. That is my concern.

Yup, expect some downtime, just like you would with any major patch.

Telling the devs to be aware that classes are changing greatly is kinda silly. All of them knew this has been coming for months.

In reality, you should just drop your concerns. The bot and classes will be ready to go when they're ready. Telling devs to get on it now isn't going to speed them up
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Its not really the CR developers that you need to worry about, yes theres ptr and beta for them to know their routines. but the problem lies in that the final patch they release is not the PTR version. Honorbuddy cannot be ready for launch day because blizzard throws other stuff in there too, they can have a head start but they do not know the final build will look like and what changes blizzard makes that they do not list.
Its not really the CR developers that you need to worry about

Yes, worrying about the CR developers is a concern, but it's far from the only one.

Since the classes are going through major changes with this being the new xpac, CR's will have to go through major changes as well.

It doesn't matter if the bots up and running if the CR you're using is trying to cast abilities that are no longer there.
You cannot do anything 'pro-active' if you don't know what to expect. For CR's yes, devs might have been able to peek at class changes during the beta, but the underlying layer (being honorbuddy) needs to update as well. And hb devs cannot proactively start re-programming parts if its not yet clear how the wow code will look like after this major patch.
Actions should be pro-active instead of re-active!

ryftobuddy you are too negative. Not everything is Doom and Gloom!

Lighten up

I'm the one being negative?

You're the ones telling devs they better be ready at this point.

Yes, they should've been proactive. It's a little late to be telling them that though.

Furthermore, the bot is going to be down for a minimum, and I mean MINIMUM of a day after the patch is released. There's absolutely nothing the devs can do to prevent this.
from the look of it, we have just 2 days left to bot. the prepatch is gonna change ALOT of things, and then every week they will add an event (hopefully without patching).
I wasn't telling anyone to do anything. but thanks for comin out

Really? So you saying the PTR is out and that CR devs should proactively be using it to update their CR's, you aren't telling anyone to do anything?

Yeah, ok...
*rolls eyes* Antagonistic, from reading a lot of your posts, they are mostly all the same.
Why the rush to get the artifact weapon quest lines completed? They have very clearly announced that the artifact weapons will not be available in the pre-patch:
Yea, as you said: they very clearly announced that artifact weapons won't be available in the prePatch.
So it's safe to assume he knows this correct? Especially considering he's a developer and it's his job to know stuff like this. Right?

So why would you assume he's rushing to get it complete for the sake of people being able to use it on prePatch day?

If I had to figure the reasoning behind it: it would be for the sake of bettering his development priority queue given his workload will increase once the prePatch releases.
But that's just me clearly thinking more sensibly regarding the situation as usual.

Echo's a professional at what he does.
It only makes sense that he's aiming to get the artifact weapons completed before the prePatch. Developers set goals and priorities.
When the prePatch does come, things are obviously going to ramp up, so he will need to set new goals and priorities instead of dealing with old ones that should've been completed already.

In case you didn't know, currently the bot doesn't work for anything Legion related - not even the staff version.
Echo's using a custom tool to develop with called Legionbuddy (not the combat routine bot, but the original Legionbuddy tool)

A prePatch loads the entire Legion client into the live client - meaning the bot will have to be programmed for Legion.

Once this happens, that means Echo can finally use the real bot to test all the work he has already done within the beta because the bot's offsets will be easier to update for the beta build.
And if the artifact weapons aren't completed, that completely ruins the time he has to dedicate for the testing phases.
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