another on bites the dust!
got scammed as well off virdeal, supposed to pay me yesterday and still havent recived anything.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
the one highlighted in red is the one that i dealt with, aka Jackey wich ive traded gold with about 20+ times to now and yesterday he went all chinaman on me.
ive listed the other MSNs since their no doubt in on it to since i cannot make any of them respond to my messages and they put away/invisible mode on when i mention the money the owe me.
tho their responce time to when i say> Hi i got some gold to sell!, and they respond instantly lol.
anyway just my 2 cents, im most likely retiring from gold selling been a nice run but the past few months have been just a frikin hassle tbh to try to earn some cash of botting.
i personally dont belive it will get better ever.
Ps, Virdeal if your reading this forum and if you have any shroud of decensy left in you, you can PM me on this forum and we can talk about how your gonna pay me back.