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The Day when EU stood still

the time has come fellow botters...

save your money and stock up, ppl will keep buying now, but the most money will come from cataclysm.
You don't really get it do you? Either that or you haven't played WoW that much.

It is true that even now making gold is as easy as eating or driving a car....hell its even easyer then breathing. Doing dailies is a HUGE source of income.
Just think about it....you could make 400 or so just by doing dailies...ITS EASY...but then again after the first few days of doing dailies you will be sick and tired of doing the same thing over and over again.
Trust me...been there...done that.
I've have manually leveled about 10-12 toons since I started playing. I loved the game soo much...I've made a shitload of gold just by leveling and doing dailies...but after a bit even the damn HODIR rep dailies became a huge pain in the ass.

And this is the dailies section only....

Now lets look at the farming section...who the hell would be sane enough to farm "for a living" in WoW. This should be read like "Who would farm every single day for a few hours?". The answer is either BOTS or Chinese(since they are already insane). People will make some gold but its really just a tiny bit of gold. They would grow tired of it really fast. I've farmed everything since TBC and WotLK came out...manually and OMG it made my brain go numb just after a few hours...let alone a few days.

And now my favourite way of making gold...the Micro-economy....Wall Street of WoW.
There is just soo...soooo much gold you can make through some management and some spare time. The AH is your friend and if you understand it, its just a insane place to make cash. Ohhh but most of the players suck at playing WoW normally(dungeons and what not)...playing the AH would be just to hard for their brain to understand.

Here is where the gold sellers and we come in.
We offer materials for the economy to work on...we offer the gold for the players to actually afford to buy the finished products....I could say we are the "background engine" of the game....we are the thing that makes the game work from the shadows.

Gold will always be in demand since people can't really play the rest of the game and just want to raid or PvP.

Anywayz...in case you haven't understood why demand has gone down yet...leme just put it to you like this:

You can't go to the beach in the fucking winter :). Sure you can go in the spring but the perfect time is the SUMMER.
Just wait for our summer and be patient.

This is exactly(!) what I tried to say ( damn I have to get more english skills >.<)

If you do daily's over and over again you soo will be pisse off and I know what I'm talking 'bout.
It's fucked up, I'm inches away from calling it a day from career-botting
"There is just soo...soooo much gold you can make through some management and some spare time. The AH is your friend and if you understand it, its just a insane place to make cash. Ohhh but most of the players suck at playing WoW normally(dungeons and what not)...playing the AH would be just to hard for their brain to understand."

this statement is oh so wrong , if u want to set up some sort of auction house bot to make money then well Ok but manully playing the auction house sucks you win some and lose some, dont forget a real legitimate wow player does instances does a few quests etc... now u say they can just like own the auction house and compete with gold sellers and bots who basically control anything worth buying...

Basically u can get a few things in auction house which u may make a bit of gold off some times, hardly enormous amounts imo its a gamble - a worse gamble than botting gold.

"Ohhh but most of the players suck at playing WoW normally(dungeons and what not)". Most players suck at playing wow ? Ok this statement Is your opinion , its trash nevertheless
i am pretty sure i read most of the posts, and no 1 mentioned the economic climate of the real world .LOL
O ok, theres no connection with buying and selling ingame gold for real life money .

LOL ... not to say people and the cata theory are wrong.... because i do think that is a factor
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Blizzard blame us for disturbing their precious economy, but who's making wow economy more and more unstable are them. If money worths less and less each day, it modifies the market continuously.
As some people said before, gold demand will always be there, but now, with flasks and enchantings very cheap, most high end raiders already supplied on BoE gear, it's just the moment to stock up for cataclysm, when people will need tons of gold for leveling and proffesions. "Casuals" will still buy gold though, but we all know they usually buy 1k up to 5k, not more.
Personally, next time I try to sell to a gold supplier, if they don't want it I'll try to get private buyers spamming to ban with my vanilla, or start stacking until gametime ends and wait for cataclysm.
"There is just soo...soooo much gold you can make through some management and some spare time. The AH is your friend and if you understand it, its just a insane place to make cash. Ohhh but most of the players suck at playing WoW normally(dungeons and what not)...playing the AH would be just to hard for their brain to understand."

this statement is oh so wrong , if u want to set up some sort of auction house bot to make money then well Ok but manully playing the auction house sucks you win some and lose some, dont forget a real legitimate wow player does instances does a few quests etc... now u say they can just like own the auction house and compete with gold sellers and bots who basically control anything worth buying...

Basically u can get a few things in auction house which u may make a bit of gold off some times, hardly enormous amounts imo its a gamble - a worse gamble than botting gold.

"Ohhh but most of the players suck at playing WoW normally(dungeons and what not)". Most players suck at playing wow ? Ok this statement Is your opinion , its trash nevertheless

someone needs to take a xanax
the time has come fellow botters...

save your money and stock up, ppl will keep buying now, but the most money will come from cataclysm.

maybe, just does my head in when I ask 8 resellers if they need gold (not even in bulk ffs), who I have sold to NO PROBLEM at all in the past and they all say "no demand".
Been the same for a week, talking across 5-6 realms, all normal-high pop, I can't shift my gold for love or money (no pun intended).
I could look for more resellers, but I already deal with about 10 companies already and have asked them all.
I could deal with private buyers, that may work, but It's a lot harder when you have a lot of accounts.. and even private buyers are harder to obtain nowadays.
The gold selling business is a tricky one, but I've not seen it in a worse state myself, but of course this is only talking resellers.
I'm close to giving up, but I probably wont, gone are the days though when I was earning ?2-3k a month and laughing all the way to the bank.
I think I'm done with this full-time, I'll go back to college and maybe uni to study something a lot more stable, we'll see how it all turns out, but whoever says demand has gone up to MATCH the supply which is increasing daily, no bullshit, just look at all the new farmers coming onto the scene, must be high at least on the English EU scene.
Just my worth, a bit of a rant I know, I'm just naturally stressed as the money really does help me in the real world.
"There is just soo...soooo much gold you can make through some management and some spare time. The AH is your friend and if you understand it, its just a insane place to make cash. Ohhh but most of the players suck at playing WoW normally(dungeons and what not)...playing the AH would be just to hard for their brain to understand."

this statement is oh so wrong , if u want to set up some sort of auction house bot to make money then well Ok but manully playing the auction house sucks you win some and lose some, dont forget a real legitimate wow player does instances does a few quests etc... now u say they can just like own the auction house and compete with gold sellers and bots who basically control anything worth buying...

Basically u can get a few things in auction house which u may make a bit of gold off some times, hardly enormous amounts imo its a gamble - a worse gamble than botting gold.

"Ohhh but most of the players suck at playing WoW normally(dungeons and what not)". Most players suck at playing wow ? Ok this statement Is your opinion , its trash nevertheless

I win much more in the AH than I loose.
Atm I'm a little sick of raiding the AH but normaly I make good gold. Not that unlimited much as some ppl try to tell you. But enough for not have to farm anything and also enought to buy all stuff for getting jewel at 450.

But you have to know some secrets about the AH.

One nice tip for you all guys:

You know the pricing thing right?

Some one places maybe a Darkmooncard in the AH for 1300 bid and 1500 buyout.
What do you do to undercut him?

Most of you place the item like 1250 bid and 1450 buyout.
Or maybe a lesser like 1000 bid and 1250 buyout.

But there is a little trick to get your only a tiny tiny bit cheeper item BEFORE this other one's!

If you price it this way 1499 bid and 1499 buyout!
You don't think it works?
It will, try it out!

Sooo... whats the trick?

The AH places every item abouth an other if it is cheeper. No metter how much cheeper, it only have to be cheeper.
Also it looks (why ever) at the difference between bid and buyout.

Everone thinks the card for 1300 bid and 1500 buy is cheeper becuase of the >1300<.
But there is a much larger difference between than 1499 bid and 1499 buyout.

If a human would sort the items it would sort 1300-1500 and THAN 1499-1499 but WoW sorts 1499-1499 and THAN 1300-1500.
And for those of you who's thinking "gnarf it's dependig on when you post the item to tha AH" - thats not true.

Try it out, you will see that I'm right.
Undercut only 1 cooper at bid and buyout and it will be sorted in befor the other item^^
:) I've read a shitton of forums and small guides as how the AH works but even if I am a good player I can't really play the AH right.
People have hit the gold cap quite fast(thats 200k+ gold) only buy joggling the economy...what Dalees said is just a tiny trick compared to the big messy tricks that involve carefull planning.

AH is just like the stock market IRL....smart brokers rarely lose and if they do lose its a small amount.

Anywayz...this is going offtopic...back to the Cataclysm theories :).
Looks like US prices have fallen out of the arse as well, had some setbacks but just went to sell this afternoon and got ridiculous offers, none over $2 per K

Will have to do some sums and see if it is still financially viable to continue operating or not :(
I win much more in the AH than I loose.
Atm I'm a little sick of raiding the AH but normaly I make good gold. Not that unlimited much as some ppl try to tell you. But enough for not have to farm anything and also enought to buy all stuff for getting jewel at 450.

But you have to know some secrets about the AH.

One nice tip for you all guys:

You know the pricing thing right?

Some one places maybe a Darkmooncard in the AH for 1300 bid and 1500 buyout.
What do you do to undercut him?

Most of you place the item like 1250 bid and 1450 buyout.
Or maybe a lesser like 1000 bid and 1250 buyout.

But there is a little trick to get your only a tiny tiny bit cheeper item BEFORE this other one's!

If you price it this way 1499 bid and 1499 buyout!
You don't think it works?
It will, try it out!

Sooo... whats the trick?

The AH places every item abouth an other if it is cheeper. No metter how much cheeper, it only have to be cheeper.
Also it looks (why ever) at the difference between bid and buyout.

Everone thinks the card for 1300 bid and 1500 buy is cheeper becuase of the >1300<.
But there is a much larger difference between than 1499 bid and 1499 buyout.

If a human would sort the items it would sort 1300-1500 and THAN 1499-1499 but WoW sorts 1499-1499 and THAN 1300-1500.
And for those of you who's thinking "gnarf it's dependig on when you post the item to tha AH" - thats not true.

Try it out, you will see that I'm right.
Undercut only 1 cooper at bid and buyout and it will be sorted in befor the other item^^

this is a secret trick? LOL
Gold4key and a few other sites are saying no demand for at least 45 EU servers, 1.1$ per k for places like sporeggar, It only takes one new in game item to boost gold prices, look at what battered hilt did.
I hope this is not the end of the world or something that is now happening because I'm pretty worried about this. It started around the end of February and it doesn't look like the end is even near. Now we have 8 March and I haven't seen any improvements. Probably you are now asking yourself what this guy is talking about. I am talking about Gold situation on EU realm. I'm sure people with private buyers don't care about this much but I do. From day to day almost all Offgamers servers went to Full. There was always about 10 to 15 servers that needed gold almost everyday. Now there's two or three servers with small amount of gold to sell. How about Pusada you ask. Well, so far I know they are not buying any gold on EU servers at the moment and it's not just today. It's weird because when I sell them about 50k gold per week or two they always said that they would purchase more if I have and let them know.

Now I'm worried about future of EU gold selling. I hope,meh, I pray that this is temporary situation and will go on in week or two. I'm only afraid of this that there is no smooth gold flow and people are keeping gold and waiting when they buy it and will 'rape' them on MSN with offers.

5 Words for you: Too many amateur gold sellers.

Everyone and their cousins wants to be a gold seller these days.

In the glider days, there was a ton of botters, but only like 1-2% did actually sell gold. Now more than 70% of the botters want to sell gold, even if 30% of those actually sell anything and 10% sell on regular basis, it still leaves us with a ton lot of gold sellers.

Part of the "i want to be a gold seller" fantasy is the amount of money a good bot costs. And the obvious separation from lvling and farming bot is another problem. And the "goodness", reliability and "one-clickability" also helps out with this. Yes i am talking about GB. We love it, but so does so many other ppl, thus not everyone has "room" to be a gold seller.

Add that with the massive amount of easy-mode stuff blizzard is putting in, you get an almost dead market.