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The Day when EU stood still


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
I hope this is not the end of the world or something that is now happening because I'm pretty worried about this. It started around the end of February and it doesn't look like the end is even near. Now we have 8 March and I haven't seen any improvements. Probably you are now asking yourself what this guy is talking about. I am talking about Gold situation on EU realm. I'm sure people with private buyers don't care about this much but I do. From day to day almost all Offgamers servers went to Full. There was always about 10 to 15 servers that needed gold almost everyday. Now there's two or three servers with small amount of gold to sell. How about Pusada you ask. Well, so far I know they are not buying any gold on EU servers at the moment and it's not just today. It's weird because when I sell them about 50k gold per week or two they always said that they would purchase more if I have and let them know.

Now I'm worried about future of EU gold selling. I hope,meh, I pray that this is temporary situation and will go on in week or two. I'm only afraid of this that there is no smooth gold flow and people are keeping gold and waiting when they buy it and will 'rape' them on MSN with offers.
You used a movie name in the title; I will use one as well.
offgamers has always had crappy demand. there are quite a few other gold buyers though
To easy to get gold in WOTLK... that's why no one buying.

Yes, you are right. Making gold is easy as hell in Wotlk, but this expansion wasn't released yesterday. It's on the market for almost one and a half year and I don't believe that everyone who was buying gold for over past year in one day found how to make a lot of gold.

offgamers has always had crappy demand. there are quite a few other gold buyers though

I have to disagree this. They were my first gold site where I sell to and I was really pleased to work with them. They have higher prices than others and always pay quickly when I was withdrawing my money.
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I have to disagree this. They were my first gold site where I sell to and I was really pleased to work with them. They have higher prices than others and always pay quickly when I was withdrawing my money.

I didnt say they didnt pay higher or quickly. I just said the demand sucked, atleast on US servers. They only take a few thousand gold on a few servers
well i guess the best u can do is to buy a vanilla acc and spam trade hoping to pick up a few private buyers
situation is worse than ever. im stacking gold on 3 different servers and noone wants to buy it :/
People are killing the main content boss of the expansion. The new expansion is coming.

People aren't buying gold because they know that it will be a waste to spend gold now. At least on my server we are starting to see people showing up less to raids and such as well. Same thing happened 6 months before BC and 6 months before WoLK. People realize that everything is getting redone in the near future so why invest in the present.

It will come around just give it some time. Might not be until the expansion comes out. My recommendation is start filling your storage coffers. When the expansion comes out and there is a whole slew of new stuff to buy, the demand will go up.
I am worried about offgamers as well...at least for now.

On the other hand it is true that most of the people have lost the "new expansion" feeling and resources are less and less in demand. This is why people don't need gold anymore.
I saw a HUGE demand when ICC came out and all the people wanted to buy battered hilts for example...with prices going from 30-40k to over 100k(meh didn't sell but anywayz).

The new minipatch might give a small bump to gold demand but not that much. ICC was the "last breath" this expansion had and with the 1 boss inc raid dungeon it will die.
I am planning on stacking about 50-60k on each of my accounts and then making a plethora of second farmers on other servers. This will help a bit with the presence of the main farmers as well since I'll be switching servers every few days.

This is like the time I stockpiled titanium ores(was not botting back then)....noone wanted saronite anymore....we just needed titanium...we were all looking for the new stuff.

IMHO since Cataclysm isn't even in beta yet I adivse you to do the same. It will be a good 3-4 months till it will be released. Just make some more farmers on your accounts and start stockpiling there as well.
Although low pop servers might not be a good idea at first I might even give them a try since the new expack might bring a plethora of new players to the table. This guys will need funds and fast since they will want to grow as fast as possible and enjoy the new content with their friends.

This are just my thoughts on the current situation.

PS: It has been said on another thread that the supply has gone UP alot.....that is not really the truth....the demand is going down like a rock and this is why there is a huge stock of gold rotting in our banks.
People with private buyers might not agree but even so they should also see a drop in the demand as well.

Anywayz...lets just wait it through and hope for better times.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
I am worried about offgamers as well...at least for now.

On the other hand it is true that most of the people have lost the "new expansion" feeling and resources are less and less in demand. This is why people don't need gold anymore.
I saw a HUGE demand when ICC came out and all the people wanted to buy battered hilts for example...with prices going from 30-40k to over 100k(meh didn't sell but anywayz).

The new minipatch might give a small bump to gold demand but not that much. ICC was the "last breath" this expansion had and with the 1 boss inc raid dungeon it will die.
I am planning on stacking about 50-60k on each of my accounts and then making a plethora of second farmers on other servers. This will help a bit with the presence of the main farmers as well since I'll be switching servers every few days.

This is like the time I stockpiled titanium ores(was not botting back then)....noone wanted saronite anymore....we just needed titanium...we were all looking for the new stuff.

IMHO since Cataclysm isn't even in beta yet I adivse you to do the same. It will be a good 3-4 months till it will be released. Just make some more farmers on your accounts and start stockpiling there as well.
Although low pop servers might not be a good idea at first I might even give them a try since the new expack might bring a plethora of new players to the table. This guys will need funds and fast since they will want to grow as fast as possible and enjoy the new content with their friends.

This are just my thoughts on the current situation.

PS: It has been said on another thread that the supply has gone UP alot.....that is not really the truth....the demand is going down like a rock and this is why there is a huge stock of gold rotting in our banks.
People with private buyers might not agree but even so they should also see a drop in the demand as well.

Anywayz...lets just wait it through and hope for better times.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

QFT. Give the man a prize.
Yes if the new expansion comes we are selling again. I think a little sooner maybe because of the new planned raidinstance :P

So don't worry, stockpile your goods and money, expand a little and when the time is come we will make money again^^

It dosn't metters how easy Blizz will make farming gold for everyone. If there is a new addon everyone needs gold - NOW! not in some days/weeks, they want to get the best stuff as fast as possible. So we will earn everytime^^
I agree, but im afraid that the demand will never really recover cus im 100% sure they will make making money more easy in cata
I agree, but im afraid that the demand will never really recover cus im 100% sure they will make making money more easy in cata

I think so too but not to easy. The know that they have much income with us. As I said in an other thread: Who much normal ppl do you know that have 2+ accounts or like Bossland 16+?
2? 3?

Well botters - most of us - have many accounts. So if the kill us we kill them.
I agree, but im afraid that the demand will never really recover cus im 100% sure they will make making money more easy in cata

You don't really get it do you? Either that or you haven't played WoW that much.

It is true that even now making gold is as easy as eating or driving a car....hell its even easyer then breathing. Doing dailies is a HUGE source of income.
Just think about it....you could make 400 or so just by doing dailies...ITS EASY...but then again after the first few days of doing dailies you will be sick and tired of doing the same thing over and over again.
Trust me...been there...done that.
I've have manually leveled about 10-12 toons since I started playing. I loved the game soo much...I've made a shitload of gold just by leveling and doing dailies...but after a bit even the damn HODIR rep dailies became a huge pain in the ass.

And this is the dailies section only....

Now lets look at the farming section...who the hell would be sane enough to farm "for a living" in WoW. This should be read like "Who would farm every single day for a few hours?". The answer is either BOTS or Chinese(since they are already insane). People will make some gold but its really just a tiny bit of gold. They would grow tired of it really fast. I've farmed everything since TBC and WotLK came out...manually and OMG it made my brain go numb just after a few hours...let alone a few days.

And now my favourite way of making gold...the Micro-economy....Wall Street of WoW.
There is just soo...soooo much gold you can make through some management and some spare time. The AH is your friend and if you understand it, its just a insane place to make cash. Ohhh but most of the players suck at playing WoW normally(dungeons and what not)...playing the AH would be just to hard for their brain to understand.

Here is where the gold sellers and we come in.
We offer materials for the economy to work on...we offer the gold for the players to actually afford to buy the finished products....I could say we are the "background engine" of the game....we are the thing that makes the game work from the shadows.

Gold will always be in demand since people can't really play the rest of the game and just want to raid or PvP.

Anywayz...in case you haven't understood why demand has gone down yet...leme just put it to you like this:

You can't go to the beach in the fucking winter :). Sure you can go in the spring but the perfect time is the SUMMER.
Just wait for our summer and be patient.
Wall of text

I agree with you man, and i didnt say there would never be demand for gold. I know there allways will be.

What im saying is i highly doubt that the price will go far above 2-4$/1k even when there is high demand
I highly doubt that the price will go far above 2-4$/1k even when there is high demand

4$ from gold resellers is good for me ;).
5-6$ from privater buyers is ok I think.
We do not have special powers that allow us to look into the future. Its a game...the gold selling business that is. Sometimes we win...other times we win. Depends on how long we wait to win.
To easy to get gold in WOTLK... that's why no one buying.
more of theres barely anything to spend gold on

i remember tbc days, an awful lot of people were doing dailies to afford epic mount, enchants, gems - now the main gold sinks are just some mounts or boe epics that will be replaced soon
everything is given on a plate to players as well - gold for completing heroics, auto d/e in instances, gems for couple of badges