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Thats it! I'm done!

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Godspeed you, FPSWare. Great dev that made a huge contribution to the bot scene, but everything has a start and an end. Hope you succeed and have fun in your life wherever you go and thanks for all the cookies.
You can always bot on SWTOR you never get banned and demand is decently high for selling credits lol. You can try to make the buddywing bot better cause we all know its pretty bad

Totally sorry to hear the bad news -that you are leaving the scene -and wish you the best of luck with your next enterprise.
It's so sad to see such talent just go and leave us. :(

I think the community should pull together for FPS and get him keys/gametime codes. Then he can do this freely and not let Blizzard win. :)

My thought is if everyone dedicates to the cause he may return since he doesn't have to pay for it out of pocket.

Let's do this. I'll go first.

15$ right now for a battlechest.

Who's next? Let's show him we care and want him back.
It's so sad to see such talent just go and leave us. :(

I think the community should pull together for FPS and get him keys/gametime codes. Then he can do this freely and not let Blizzard win. :)

My thought is if everyone dedicates to the cause he may return since he doesn't have to pay for it out of pocket.

Let's do this. I'll go first.

15$ right now for a battlechest.

Who's next? Let's show him we care and want him back.

it's like 5 dollars, at least for EU... 2.50 euro
Is this a whining/begging thread or what?

Does it sound like I'm whining or begging?!

Have you seen me asking for money, credit card details, WoW accounts or your first born child, have you seen me bitching and complaining about being banned and how its all Blizzard's fault?!
It's so sad to see such talent just go and leave us. :(

I think the community should pull together for FPS and get him keys/gametime codes. Then he can do this freely and not let Blizzard win. :)

My thought is if everyone dedicates to the cause he may return since he doesn't have to pay for it out of pocket.

Let's do this. I'll go first.

15$ right now for a battlechest.

Who's next? Let's show him we care and want him back.

I'll throw in $25, after having seen the amazing thing that was to replace LazyBoxer, I'll do fricking anything to keep Mike going :)
I'll happily continue development on my current projects (RAF Bot & Farmer Joe), up to, but no later than when Wildstar is released (estimated closer to the end of the year). But it is conditional...

I have in the last 36 hours attempted to level additional accounts using Quest bot, but, sadly they have all been banned within ~12-15 hours. The last successfully leveled characters I played by multiboxing a RAF group by hand, via dungeon runs from level 1 to 85, given my recent experience, and my past successful experiences I feel this is my best chance of leveling a successful group of characters.

BUT, my current financial situation will not afford me the luxury of replacing my lost development accounts.

Ok, here is the deal...

If people are willing to donate either a fresh Battle Chest key OR $15 for a Battle Chest I'll get things started as soon as I have 5 accounts. I'd like to stipulate these must be new, unused keys as I will be using Blizzard's Recruit-a-Friend to level as fast as possible, and if I'm going to do this by hand once again, this is the only way I'll do it. These can either be US or EU keys, but I'll need no less than 5. As I already have 1 x US Battle Chest key this may be the most viable option to get started.

Once I hit level 85, I will have to rely upon generous donations for MoP keys as I won't be able to afford 5 x MoP keys myself.

As a way of saying thank you for your support, upon receiving 5 x Battle Chest keys I'll immediately release RAF Bot to the public. And as soon as I have the new characters leveled to 60 (flying in Outland) I'll release Farmer Joe.

EDIT: Whats to stop these accounts being banned? Tomorrow I'll be hiring a new computer and utilizing a ***, everything possible to ensure my digital ID is different from that which Blizzard already have to identify me. But this is no guarantee I won't be banned, and I take my chances in whatever I do.
UPDATE: Thanks to the extreme generosity I have sufficient dollars / accounts to get things underway immediately.

Thanks Christianna, Frederik, Robert, Hopper, Richard, Niel, Josh
$ Donated, I can also give you an EU MoP account prepaid until March 14.th With a level 90 dk, and hmmm, think about 75ish hunter.
Hey fpsware, i?ll spend you $60 for two complete WOW accounts. These accounts include WOW Classic Key, BC, WOTLK, Cata & MOP.

In a PN, i will post you the link, where you can order these accounts. You don?t have to use all keys immediatly. That means, when you at lvl 60, you can use the BC key, when lvl 70 the WOTLK key and so on. In case of being band, you must only buy the keys, you lost.

I am happy, that you continue your very good work. Coding is not my world, but i support people, who support a community like honorbuddy with their knowlege.

Good luck,

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