Yes you can create profiles, here's the royal crypts farm profile.
<Name>Royal Crypts gold farm profile by Nesox</Name>
<GameParams quest="72738" step="-1" act="A1" difficulty="Inferno" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1" />
<WriteReport />
<!-- Let us start this while we're down there... Only use the WP if we're not already at the level we want to be on. -->
<If condition="Me.LevelAreaSNO == 1999503360">
<UseWaypoint questId="1" x="2981.229" y="2834.629" z="24.90366" levelArea="1999503360" actorId="223757 " waypointNumber="4" />
<!-- Run a circle around the room, breaking everything. -->
<MoveTo questId="1" x="864.782" y="577.8406" z="0.5198286" levelArea="1999568897" name="Royal Crypts Room Start" />
<MoveTo questId="1" x="819.8605" y="739.3923" z="0.1" levelArea="1999568897" name="Royal Crypts Bottom Right" />
<MoveTo questId="1" x="822.2462" y="453.5857" z="0.1000001" levelArea="1999568897" name="Royal Crypts Top Left" />
<!-- Leave quickly -->
<UseTownPortal questId="1" />
<!-- Actually leave the game! -->
<LeaveGame reason="Run completed" />
We will add questing eventually but grinding is our top priority atm.
The bot can already do a few quests but it needs more work, grinding however is where you spend most of the time doing mindless tasks that would suit a bot very well.
Sry there won't be any custom "bot bases" atleast not for a long time, it's all profile driven.
Will be possible to switch out / insert / remove logic tho.