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Okay, been trying to get it to happen again so I could send in a log but now its not doing it? I dono. When I catch it happen again Ill post that log for you and let you know okay?
For the repairing issue. all his shits broken but he ignores it and continues to try to gather. I think that what may be happening one of two things you mentioned about my DK. The pally folder is not named properly? He doesnt seem to fight back either =/ and I think I fixed the other issue by checking off
"automatically find vendors "
which could be the reason hes ignoring getting his gear fixed??
As for the DK settings okay, ill rename it and try that out. You think maybe that could be the issue for my pally too since hes not fighting back... thus keeps dying..
the version of the profile you are trying yo use does not contain vendors
on the thread you linked me there is a second version that contains vendors
use that one
So this is kind of scary. Woke up to a wow error but my guy was still logged in? asked me to send in information and I canceled that of course.. then I relogged and tried running my bot again. same thing happened. in this one area I got a wow error... why would I get this randomly on this one character with the bot running. heres a log...