Also doesn't write into the log file, says error, then a 4 minute gap between anything in the log. Attached for reference.
View attachment 5268 2014-10-23 18.18.txt
View attachment 5268 2014-10-23 18.18.txt
About 1.5k dps below singular in Assasination, pretty poor showing. Opening rotation is pretty bad, blowing everything it can after first Mutiliate, Vendetta, Vanish, Preparation then adds Every Man For Himself into the rotation. No Rupture being used for first 20-30 sec either, big cluster fuck. Otherwise i like the GUI and options given.
EDIT: Also what i have noticed is, it doesn't seem to use the Anticipation talent very well, 1 stack of anticipation was the highest it ever got to and due to that it was dropping the Envenom buff, sometimes it went 5-6 seconds without reapplying the buff again. This and the opening rotation is the biggest areas of concern atm.
Also doesn't write into the log file, says error, then a 4 minute gap between anything in the log. Attached for reference.
View attachment 147506
CR Version:; Spec: Subtlety; Target: Training Dummy in Shrine;
Alright noticed a couple of things, first of all it's not writing in the log as EMIHM said, so I attached 1 log as proof and then switched to screenshots since the output in HB is shown correctly. I don't know if this will help since there are no logs and you might lack critical information for debugging, but in case I'll be happy to post more logs once logging is working.
Sushi Rotation Switch: in the CR tip it says "Defines the usage of trinket in slot 12" but if I disable it the CR won't cast anything at all (it will obviously however output if you cast spells manually and it detects them). As you can see in the screenie after I enabled the switch it started to reapply poisons correctly to the weapons after I was manually removing them, after I disabled the switch again it stopped doing anything. (I also tried to attack the dummy with the switch disabled, again it didn't do anything but I didn't attach any screenshot for this)
I also noticed it is hell bent on reapplying poisons if they run out and you're mounted, to the point it will try and try (this is noticeable by the "You can't do that while moving" error in wow) and will dismount you if you stop moving in order to reapply poisons (not visible in the screenshot).
Kick on CD: if Automatic Mode is enabled it will use kick on CD (again due to lack of logging I am attaching a screeshot to prove this)
hi <Weischbier> ,
when ppl can receive the gift code for convert ? and by email or pm or other way ?
Forgive me if this has been asked/answered already, but does this support leveling? 80+?
No it does not and won't ever.
Singular is great for this purpose!
best wishes,
All customers have been converted to the new one.
I also reworked Assassination massively. It will see improvements.
I'll also add a toggle for Vanish. Like Marked for Death has received one.
best wishes,
Sorry to say it's lacking atm, but it's fine, HB is test version, so what can you really expect.
Anyway the thing i've noticed was not spending combo points on boss fights where the boss is below 35% and he spams dispatch, mine was sitting at 10 combo points and just spamming dispatch... so...
I also wish it had hotkeys for abilities that have global cooldown on them such as feint and vendetta, it's really annoying trying to activate a spell when the bot casts another spell firstNot to mention smoke bomb, almost missed the window when raid needed me to activate it because of the bot, i know it has a hotkey for it but it didn't work for me.
Can we get an update when you think you will fix the issue that causes this cr to break other cr's?
Can we get an update when you think you will fix the issue that causes this cr to break other cr's?
This i must disable your CR if i want other CR's to work.
Also atm Soapbox rotations are doing a lot more dps, please work on optimizing rotation and performanceThanks for your effort
New Version is running.
Let the haters hate![]()