some feedback again. i bought YRB V2 and at this point it runs all 3 rogue specs pretty good, but I'm still hoping a better specialized rogue-only CR can be done for more development and feedback. so far a lot of progress has been made here. my viewpoint is someone who raided heroics (mythic now) for a few years nonstop now, first manually then with all kinds of bots (PQR and GB). With all 3 specs, I let the bot run the rotation but the dps cooldowns are done manually, that the only possible way I see of doing progression since auto-popping AR or Vendetta 2 sec before the boss goes immune or you have to run away is not gonna cut it obviously. so I'm not gonna get into any issues with full-auto mode. I tested this out on training dummies and a bunch of dungeons.
- the "Combat ended. Cleared all queued spells!" in chat is just spam. if you are doing mobs there's just a wall of this line, it gives no useful info. "AOE Activated" good, this bad. we already know combat ended
- make the feint chat notice red for "feint off" to fit in with the other notices and making it easier to see at a glance.
1) Combat:
- if i press BF manually it immediately disables blade Flurry even in full manual / non-AOE mode (if it doesn't see a 2nd target in range). gotta get rid of that. manual means manual, if I run in and press BF a fraction of a second before in range, it shouldn't be turning it off and putting it on 10 sec CD. if we press alt-E to go to multiple target mode, great have BF go on and off automatically. oh and your auto-poisons still dont work for combat.
2) Assassination
- AOE is very wonky. first off it doesn't actually go off when we toggle AOE hotkey, it'll wait till enough mobs are in range and it's a pretty high number (like 5)? then when it get's below 4-5 targets it starts acting weird like going back to normal mutilate single-target rotation but still using crimson tempest. Personal suggestion, if the human player presses AOE don't have the bot overrule him, if we want to FoK 2 mobs let us. or maybe keep it when the player chooses full-auto mode. at least that's the way it works with sub and it's perfect: we press alt-E, FoK goes off, no questions asked no matter how many adds. In any case you want to prioritise envenom MUCH more, more then rupture even, maybe get rid of crimson tempest altogether. assassination never used CT and i doubt thats changed in WoD.
3) Subtlety
This did not work well for me on training dummy. if others arent having issues maybe it's just me, who knows, or maybe it's just training dummy problems (though CRs really should work on dummies). . first off there is a constant spam of "Invalid Target" and "Out of Range" errors, who knows what abilities it's trying to use, not showing up in log. then I never see it use premed (might be a training dummy issues), that should go off every time it's up on an ambush, unless CP capped. finally shadowdance was a disaster, it's using garrote (no reason for that, SD is just ambush spam), and often will just quit and not ambush letting the energy bar fill. the moment SD ends it starts working again. AOE works great though!
all specs: not actually interrupting anything yet. I know there is a list etc, but honestly i (personally) felt an auto-interrupt of *everything* works great in PVE. if it's a intrruptible cast, kick, that simple. if we dont want it we turn it off with the toggle. maybe consider that as option. if all the important spells will actually be added soon then of course not an issue.
lots of progress so far, great work. maybe eventually more advanced features will get coded, like for example the big change for combat in WoD where we can use RS to delay Deep Insight till AR is up again.