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However, it always fucks up with the quests requiring the mask: the bot won't put it on.
Also some problems of not correctly turning the quests in during the first quests, but nothing unbearable.
couple small updates, finished the random quest chain attached to the increaseMaxMana script
started working on the building the army scenario for rep grinding.
if anyone has suggestions on how to do it better please let me know lol. i havent figured out how to kill mobs and collect the good guys at the same time
tnx alot for this profile..
Is there a way to bypass one step and move to the next one?
im stuck at [Zak]: 2500[Zak]: 251 i have complete manualy an the bot just w8 the npc to take the next part..
So weird, i have completed all the quest up untill The Perfect opportunity but i haven't completed "Zealot's Dues" The quest giver isn't spawning anymore and that's where its going bonkers.
EDIT: found him at "Take the portal in Meredil cave to Moonguard Sronghold. He is right there inside bubble."
After handing the quest in it jumped about 20 quests ahead lol
im going to guess that the reason the mask does not work is that you're not using english display names?
the way it works is it reads the minimap text area name to determine when to put on the mask.
i dont know how else i can get the sub area of the map you're in
hey so i found a way to identify your subzone by id i had missed that method the first time.
using the mask should be language independant now? i hope!
i also added a bunch more zones where it will apply the mask.
i would like to try this but i'm not sure which part of the quest i am at.. should i try the first part and wait for it to say go chapter 2?
sorry i don't want to mess up my bot