Any updates on the features I suggested?Hi Gr8b8m8,
thanks for this nice feedback! I think i can add all your suggested features.
Any updates on the features I suggested?
Any hotkeys to disable aoe/cds?
Guten Morgen !
Ich habe eine frage zum Targeting.: kann es sein das es nicht richtig funktioniert ? wenn ich es aktiviere und 1/3 zielen ins target nehme, einer von denen stirbt wählt er kein neues an ?!
Good morning!
i have just one question.. if it is possible that the targeting didn't work ? because when i have 3 targets and kill 1 it doesn't attack the 2. or 3. ?
I will be buying this routine after 7 days are over for sure now,It would be nice to add a toggle burst and toggle aoe hotkey... It would make it very good for raiding. I know you can turn of all cds and manualy press them but a burst hotkey would be badass
Sorry for being a newb - but how do I leave a review on the routine's page on the store? I love this routine and want the world to know it. ^_^
Running this with BGFarmer and my shammy eats instead of just healing himself to full. Looks very suspicious.