Hey Handnavi,
I'm a little curious. If I set it so that it rejuv's the raid, will it hurt my DPS?
There are two settings..Hey Handnavi,
I'm a little curious. If I set it so that it rejuv's the raid, will it hurt my DPS?
Rejuv takes a GCD, a GCD that could have been a damaging ability... so...
i am ilvl672 and have tried staying on boss full time and i dont get anywhere near 30k
maybe 25k on a good run
i dont have a scales of doom which most of the top guys have so hopefully when i get it i go up a bit
Hey Handnavi, Superbad doesn't seem to be using Thrash as Feral in any situation since one of the latest updates. I'll attach a full Highmaul log, but I went Guardian Spec near the end of it and it does use thrash in Guardian spec.
View attachment 165320
Just a quick fix:
* - Feral: Fixed Thrash usage.
Quick very basic question, I just signed up for the trial, and when I attack a dummy on my Guardian druid it wants to put me in Cat spec. Is this normal as I am solo, just want to ensure that if I queue for a heroic its going to understand I am tank and go back to Bear and using Guardian stuff, so I dont get stuck with a deserter timer or anything
[19:56:26.780 V] [Enyo]
[19:56:26.781 V] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------
[19:56:26.781 V] [Enyo] Diagnostic Logging
[19:56:26.782 V] [Enyo]
[19:56:26.782 V] [Enyo] Enyo Revision:
[19:56:26.782 V] [Enyo]
[19:56:26.782 V] [Enyo] HardLock Enabled: True
[19:56:26.783 V] [Enyo] Ticks per Second: 15
[19:56:26.783 V] [Enyo]
[19:56:26.784 V] [Enyo] ====== Settings ======
[19:56:26.784 V] [Enyo] ChatOutput: False
[19:56:26.784 V] [Enyo] ClickToMove: False
[19:56:26.785 V] [Enyo] ContinuesHealingMode: False
[19:56:26.785 V] [Enyo] ForcedCombatMode: False
[19:56:26.785 V] [Enyo] PluginPulsing: False
[19:56:26.785 V] [Enyo] RaidWarningOutput: False
[19:56:26.786 V] [Enyo] UseSoftLock: False
[19:56:26.786 V] [Enyo] PauseKeyChoice: X
[19:56:26.786 V] [Enyo] ModKeyChoice: Shift
[19:56:26.787 V] [Enyo] LastStatCounted: 24
[19:56:26.788 V] [Enyo]
[19:56:26.789 V] [Enyo]
[19:56:26.789 V] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------
[19:56:26.723 N] Starting the bot!
[19:56:26.723 N] Currently Using BotBase : Enyo (Buddystore)
[19:56:26.723 D] Character is a level 100 Troll Druid
[19:56:26.723 N] Current zone is Highmaul (http://wowhead.com/zone=6996)
[19:56:26.800 D] Changed map(s) to HighmaulOgreRaid
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Enyo (Buddystore) has been started.
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Superbad Premium v is loaded.
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Supported World of Warcraft version: 6.0.2 (WoD PrePatch).
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Special thanks to the following persons:
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Honorbuddy Team.
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Awesome Coding Minds.
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Author of Enyo: nomnomnom.
[19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] -------------------------------------------
[19:56:26.927 D] Set query filter to Horde
[19:56:26.960 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Archaeology (110393) | Armor Skills (076275) | Auto Attack (006603)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Battle Pet Training (119467) | Bear Form (005487) | Beast Slaying (020557)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Berserk (106952) | Berserking (026297) | Bloodtalons (155672)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cat Form (000768) | Cold Weather Flying (054197) | Cooking (158765)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire (000818) | Cyclone (033786) | Da Voodoo Shuffle (058943)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Dash (001850) | Dream of Cenarius (158497) | Engineering (158739)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enhanced Berserk (157269) | Enhanced Prowl (157274) | Enhanced Rejuvenat.. (157280)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Entangling Roots (000339) | Faerie Fire (000770) | Ferocious Bite (022568)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: First Aid (158741) | Fishing (131474) | Flight Form (165962)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Flight Master's Li.. (090267) | Frenzied Regenerat.. (022842) | Garrison Ability (161691)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Gnomish Engineer (020219) | Growl (006795) | Guild Mail (083951)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hasty Hearth (083944) | Healing Touch (005185) | Hurricane (016914)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Improved Rake (157276) | Incarnation: King .. (102543) | Jewelcrafting (158750)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Languages (079744) | Leader of the Pack (017007) | Maim (022570)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mangle (033917) | Mark of the Wild (001126) | Mass Resurrection (083968)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Master Riding (090265) | Mobile Banking (083958) | Moonfire (008921)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mount Up (078633) | Nature's Control (175682) | Omen of Clarity (016864)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Black Ox (131228) | Path of the Jade S.. (131204) | Path of the Mogu K.. (131222)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Necrom.. (131232) | Path of the Scarle.. (131231) | Path of the Scarle.. (131229)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Settin.. (131225) | Path of the Shado-.. (131206) | Path of the Stout .. (131205)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Predatory Swiftness (016974) | Primal Fury (159286) | Prospecting (031252)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Prowl (005215) | Rake (001822) | Rebirth (020484)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Regeneration (020555) | Rejuvenation (000774) | Remove Corruption (002782)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Revive (050769) | Revive Battle Pets (125439) | Rip (001079)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Savage Roar (052610) | Sharpened Claws (165372) | Shred (005221)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Skull Bash (106839) | Soothe (002908) | Stampeding Roar (106898)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Survey (080451) | Survival Instincts (061336) | Swipe (106785)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Teleport: Moonglade (018960) | The Quick and the .. (083950) | Thrash (106832)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Tiger's Fury (005217) | Travel Form (000783) | Ursol's Power (175683)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Weapon Skills (076300) | Wild Charge (102401) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Wrath (005176) | Ysera's Gift (145108)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Berserk (106951) overrides Berserk (106952)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Mighty Bash (5211) overrides Ursol's Power (175683)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Stampeding Roar (77764) overrides Stampeding Roar (106898)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Thrash (106830) overrides Thrash (106832)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Typhoon (132469) overrides Nature's Control (175682)
[19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Wild Charge (49376) overrides Wild Charge (102401)
[19:56:27.180 N] [100][1] Prowl
[19:58:38.102 N] [100][0] Draenic Agility Potion
[19:58:41.259 N] [100][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:42.352 N] [78][1] Incarnation: King of the Jungle
[19:58:43.290 N] [95][1] Savage Roar
[19:58:44.299 N] [86][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:46.790 N] [89][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:48.017 N] [28][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:48.149 N] [30][3] Tiger's Fury
[19:58:48.372 N] [95][3] Berserk
[19:58:48.812 N] [93][3] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:48.888 N] [85][4] "Lucky" Flip
[19:58:49.808 N] [99][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:50.795 N] [95][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:51.829 N] [95][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:52.874 N] [93][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:53.866 N] [68][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:54.970 N] [82][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:55.849 N] [80][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:56.883 N] [67][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:57.904 N] [65][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:58.902 N] [60][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:58:59.842 N] [56][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:00.869 N] [44][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:01.892 N] [41][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:02.918 N] [35][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:07.696 N] [91][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:08.739 N] [82][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:09.750 N] [64][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:10.911 N] [40][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:13.137 N] [37][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:15.455 N] [42][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:17.902 N] [43][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:18.173 N] [65][2] Tiger's Fury
[19:59:18.924 N] [76][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:19.926 N] [54][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:22.181 N] [49][5] Berserking
[19:59:25.186 N] [89][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:26.275 N] [77][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:27.212 N] [55][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:29.044 N] [42][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:31.954 N] [41][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:34.749 N] [35][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:37.261 N] [36][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:40.661 N] [42][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:43.892 N] [40][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:47.261 N] [42][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:48.156 N] [12][5] Tiger's Fury
[19:59:49.776 N] [91][5] Savage Roar
[19:59:50.774 N] [79][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:51.754 N] [90][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:52.743 N] [63][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[19:59:54.393 N] [43][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:01.039 N] [83][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:02.032 N] [65][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:03.490 N] [42][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:04.478 N] [15][2] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Priest
[20:00:06.720 N] [41][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:09.676 N] [37][4] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:11.953 N] [28][5] Healing Touch--> Lvl 100 Horde Priest
[20:00:17.975 N] [100][5] Wild Charge--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:18.818 N] [100][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:19.749 N] [61][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:19.957 N] [27][1] Tiger's Fury
[20:00:20.771 N] [97][1] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:21.788 N] [72][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:22.777 N] [43][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:23.804 N] [15][5] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Mage
[20:00:25.198 N] [32][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:28.296 N] [41][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:29.446 N] [15][1] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Shaman
[20:00:31.170 N] [35][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:32.070 N] [47][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:34.994 N] [42][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:37.437 N] [30][4] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:42.399 N] [91][5] Savage Roar
[20:00:43.397 N] [77][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:44.388 N] [49][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:46.951 N] [42][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:47.959 N] [12][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:48.976 N] [25][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:49.998 N] [38][2] Tiger's Fury
[20:00:50.194 N] [100][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:51.188 N] [73][3] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:52.222 N] [49][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:58.927 N] [91][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:00:59.947 N] [77][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:00.954 N] [51][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:04.256 N] [50][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:10.512 N] [85][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:11.504 N] [68][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:12.516 N] [45][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:15.609 N] [42][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:16.630 N] [15][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:17.631 N] [27][4] Healing Touch--> Lvl 100 Horde Mage
[20:01:18.930 N] [42][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:20.011 N] [16][5] Tiger's Fury
[20:01:21.248 N] [91][5] Savage Roar
[20:01:22.255 N] [76][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:23.249 N] [55][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:25.803 N] [45][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:28.823 N] [41][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:33.054 N] [53][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:34.372 N] [20][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:36.201 N] [42][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:39.184 N] [37][2] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:42.348 N] [39][3] Incarnation: King of the Jungle
[20:01:43.298 N] [51][3] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:46.119 N] [51][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:48.950 N] [35][0] Draenic Agility Potion
[20:01:49.477 N] [42][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:49.478 N] [42][0] "Lucky" Flip
[20:01:49.979 N] [7][1] Tiger's Fury
[20:01:50.189 N] [69][1] Berserk
[20:01:50.635 N] [75][1] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:51.562 N] [68][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:52.537 N] [60][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:53.502 N] [51][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:54.719 N] [41][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:55.784 N] [35][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:56.725 N] [26][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:01:57.758 N] [18][5] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Paladin
[20:01:59.382 N] [38][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:00.428 N] [26][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:04.170 N] [49][2] Wild Charge--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:04.786 N] [56][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:05.798 N] [45][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:09.246 N] [52][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:12.195 N] [37][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:15.561 N] [44][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:16.578 N] [15][3] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Warrior
[20:02:18.661 N] [41][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:19.950 N] [16][4] Tiger's Fury
[20:02:20.166 N] [80][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:21.272 N] [51][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist
[20:02:22.147 N] [13][0] Berserking
[20:02:22.621 N] [20][0] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Monk
[20:02:47.986 N] [100][0] Prowl
Hi guys, tonight I noticed that superbad didn't cast Healing Touch with Bloodtalons on Kargath/Butcher heroic.
Code:[19:56:26.780 V] [Enyo] [19:56:26.781 V] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [19:56:26.781 V] [Enyo] Diagnostic Logging [19:56:26.782 V] [Enyo] [19:56:26.782 V] [Enyo] Enyo Revision: [19:56:26.782 V] [Enyo] [19:56:26.782 V] [Enyo] HardLock Enabled: True [19:56:26.783 V] [Enyo] Ticks per Second: 15 [19:56:26.783 V] [Enyo] [19:56:26.784 V] [Enyo] ====== Settings ====== [19:56:26.784 V] [Enyo] ChatOutput: False [19:56:26.784 V] [Enyo] ClickToMove: False [19:56:26.785 V] [Enyo] ContinuesHealingMode: False [19:56:26.785 V] [Enyo] ForcedCombatMode: False [19:56:26.785 V] [Enyo] PluginPulsing: False [19:56:26.785 V] [Enyo] RaidWarningOutput: False [19:56:26.786 V] [Enyo] UseSoftLock: False [19:56:26.786 V] [Enyo] PauseKeyChoice: X [19:56:26.786 V] [Enyo] ModKeyChoice: Shift [19:56:26.787 V] [Enyo] LastStatCounted: 24 [19:56:26.788 V] [Enyo] [19:56:26.789 V] [Enyo] [19:56:26.789 V] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [19:56:26.723 N] Starting the bot! [19:56:26.723 N] Currently Using BotBase : Enyo (Buddystore) [19:56:26.723 D] Character is a level 100 Troll Druid [19:56:26.723 N] Current zone is Highmaul (http://wowhead.com/zone=6996) [19:56:26.800 D] Changed map(s) to HighmaulOgreRaid [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Enyo (Buddystore) has been started. [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Superbad Premium v is loaded. [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Supported World of Warcraft version: 6.0.2 (WoD PrePatch). [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Special thanks to the following persons: [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Honorbuddy Team. [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Awesome Coding Minds. [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] Author of Enyo: nomnomnom. [19:56:26.800 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------- [19:56:26.927 D] Set query filter to Horde [19:56:26.960 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Archaeology (110393) | Armor Skills (076275) | Auto Attack (006603) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Battle Pet Training (119467) | Bear Form (005487) | Beast Slaying (020557) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Berserk (106952) | Berserking (026297) | Bloodtalons (155672) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cat Form (000768) | Cold Weather Flying (054197) | Cooking (158765) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire (000818) | Cyclone (033786) | Da Voodoo Shuffle (058943) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Dash (001850) | Dream of Cenarius (158497) | Engineering (158739) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Enhanced Berserk (157269) | Enhanced Prowl (157274) | Enhanced Rejuvenat.. (157280) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Entangling Roots (000339) | Faerie Fire (000770) | Ferocious Bite (022568) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: First Aid (158741) | Fishing (131474) | Flight Form (165962) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Flight Master's Li.. (090267) | Frenzied Regenerat.. (022842) | Garrison Ability (161691) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Gnomish Engineer (020219) | Growl (006795) | Guild Mail (083951) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hasty Hearth (083944) | Healing Touch (005185) | Hurricane (016914) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Improved Rake (157276) | Incarnation: King .. (102543) | Jewelcrafting (158750) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Languages (079744) | Leader of the Pack (017007) | Maim (022570) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mangle (033917) | Mark of the Wild (001126) | Mass Resurrection (083968) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Master Riding (090265) | Mobile Banking (083958) | Moonfire (008921) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mount Up (078633) | Nature's Control (175682) | Omen of Clarity (016864) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Black Ox (131228) | Path of the Jade S.. (131204) | Path of the Mogu K.. (131222) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Necrom.. (131232) | Path of the Scarle.. (131231) | Path of the Scarle.. (131229) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Settin.. (131225) | Path of the Shado-.. (131206) | Path of the Stout .. (131205) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Predatory Swiftness (016974) | Primal Fury (159286) | Prospecting (031252) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Prowl (005215) | Rake (001822) | Rebirth (020484) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Regeneration (020555) | Rejuvenation (000774) | Remove Corruption (002782) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Revive (050769) | Revive Battle Pets (125439) | Rip (001079) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Savage Roar (052610) | Sharpened Claws (165372) | Shred (005221) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Skull Bash (106839) | Soothe (002908) | Stampeding Roar (106898) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Survey (080451) | Survival Instincts (061336) | Swipe (106785) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Teleport: Moonglade (018960) | The Quick and the .. (083950) | Thrash (106832) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Tiger's Fury (005217) | Travel Form (000783) | Ursol's Power (175683) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Weapon Skills (076300) | Wild Charge (102401) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Wrath (005176) | Ysera's Gift (145108) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Berserk (106951) overrides Berserk (106952) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Mighty Bash (5211) overrides Ursol's Power (175683) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Stampeding Roar (77764) overrides Stampeding Roar (106898) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Thrash (106830) overrides Thrash (106832) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Typhoon (132469) overrides Nature's Control (175682) [19:56:26.961 D] [SpellManager] Wild Charge (49376) overrides Wild Charge (102401) [19:56:27.180 N] [100][1] Prowl [19:58:38.102 N] [100][0] Draenic Agility Potion [19:58:41.259 N] [100][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:42.352 N] [78][1] Incarnation: King of the Jungle [19:58:43.290 N] [95][1] Savage Roar [19:58:44.299 N] [86][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:46.790 N] [89][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:48.017 N] [28][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:48.149 N] [30][3] Tiger's Fury [19:58:48.372 N] [95][3] Berserk [19:58:48.812 N] [93][3] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:48.888 N] [85][4] "Lucky" Flip [19:58:49.808 N] [99][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:50.795 N] [95][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:51.829 N] [95][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:52.874 N] [93][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:53.866 N] [68][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:54.970 N] [82][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:55.849 N] [80][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:56.883 N] [67][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:57.904 N] [65][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:58.902 N] [60][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:58:59.842 N] [56][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:00.869 N] [44][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:01.892 N] [41][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:02.918 N] [35][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:07.696 N] [91][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:08.739 N] [82][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:09.750 N] [64][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:10.911 N] [40][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:13.137 N] [37][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:15.455 N] [42][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:17.902 N] [43][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:18.173 N] [65][2] Tiger's Fury [19:59:18.924 N] [76][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:19.926 N] [54][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:22.181 N] [49][5] Berserking [19:59:25.186 N] [89][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:26.275 N] [77][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:27.212 N] [55][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:29.044 N] [42][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:31.954 N] [41][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:34.749 N] [35][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:37.261 N] [36][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:40.661 N] [42][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:43.892 N] [40][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:47.261 N] [42][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:48.156 N] [12][5] Tiger's Fury [19:59:49.776 N] [91][5] Savage Roar [19:59:50.774 N] [79][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:51.754 N] [90][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:52.743 N] [63][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [19:59:54.393 N] [43][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:01.039 N] [83][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:02.032 N] [65][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:03.490 N] [42][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:04.478 N] [15][2] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Priest [20:00:06.720 N] [41][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:09.676 N] [37][4] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:11.953 N] [28][5] Healing Touch--> Lvl 100 Horde Priest [20:00:17.975 N] [100][5] Wild Charge--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:18.818 N] [100][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:19.749 N] [61][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:19.957 N] [27][1] Tiger's Fury [20:00:20.771 N] [97][1] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:21.788 N] [72][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:22.777 N] [43][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:23.804 N] [15][5] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Mage [20:00:25.198 N] [32][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:28.296 N] [41][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:29.446 N] [15][1] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Shaman [20:00:31.170 N] [35][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:32.070 N] [47][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:34.994 N] [42][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:37.437 N] [30][4] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:42.399 N] [91][5] Savage Roar [20:00:43.397 N] [77][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:44.388 N] [49][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:46.951 N] [42][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:47.959 N] [12][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:48.976 N] [25][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:49.998 N] [38][2] Tiger's Fury [20:00:50.194 N] [100][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:51.188 N] [73][3] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:52.222 N] [49][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:58.927 N] [91][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [20:00:59.947 N] [77][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:00.954 N] [51][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:04.256 N] [50][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:10.512 N] [85][5] Rip--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:11.504 N] [68][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:12.516 N] [45][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:15.609 N] [42][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:16.630 N] [15][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:17.631 N] [27][4] Healing Touch--> Lvl 100 Horde Mage [20:01:18.930 N] [42][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:20.011 N] [16][5] Tiger's Fury [20:01:21.248 N] [91][5] Savage Roar [20:01:22.255 N] [76][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:23.249 N] [55][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:25.803 N] [45][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:28.823 N] [41][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:33.054 N] [53][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:34.372 N] [20][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:36.201 N] [42][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:39.184 N] [37][2] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:42.348 N] [39][3] Incarnation: King of the Jungle [20:01:43.298 N] [51][3] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:46.119 N] [51][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:48.950 N] [35][0] Draenic Agility Potion [20:01:49.477 N] [42][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:49.478 N] [42][0] "Lucky" Flip [20:01:49.979 N] [7][1] Tiger's Fury [20:01:50.189 N] [69][1] Berserk [20:01:50.635 N] [75][1] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:51.562 N] [68][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:52.537 N] [60][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:53.502 N] [51][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:54.719 N] [41][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:55.784 N] [35][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:56.725 N] [26][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:01:57.758 N] [18][5] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Paladin [20:01:59.382 N] [38][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:00.428 N] [26][0] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:04.170 N] [49][2] Wild Charge--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:04.786 N] [56][2] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:05.798 N] [45][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:09.246 N] [52][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:12.195 N] [37][0] Rake--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:15.561 N] [44][1] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:16.578 N] [15][3] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Warrior [20:02:18.661 N] [41][3] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:19.950 N] [16][4] Tiger's Fury [20:02:20.166 N] [80][4] Shred--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:21.272 N] [51][5] Ferocious Bite--> Kargath Bladefist [20:02:22.147 N] [13][0] Berserking [20:02:22.621 N] [20][0] Rejuvenation--> Lvl 100 Horde Monk [20:02:47.986 N] [100][0] Prowl
Thanks much, worked wonderfully just ran my first heroic as tank on druid and had no major issues, will just need to fine tune some settings.
I actually got to 1850 in 2's with this lol