Hey Parlour,
a log file is still written to the HBFolder, can you please look if you can find one for me?
Energy capping should not happen very often, so a log would really help to find your problem.
Ferals are one of the best dps specs atm.
Check out Simulationcraft Results
Ferals are almost on top![]()
I experienced it using rejuvenation on ppl right after pull with all CDs up while bursting. Should lower the rejuvenation priority more I guess. This was on a boss fight in Iron Docks HC. Will post log when I get home.
This ofc led to bad burst and capped energy as I was spending my globals on rejuvenation instead of energy costing attacks
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hey handnavi
im still having the same problem with fps dropping.
even tho i did a fresh install and im only running it at 15 hardlock.
and im only having this problem with ur cr.
i hope its something that can be fixed cause i love ur cr plus feral is so much fun atm
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This CR made me look like a fool in heroic raid today
Sometimes the bot goes retard and stops all its actions and requires a restart of hb to fix.
But in highmaul heroic, this didnt fix it, reinstalled and same issues occured.
HB is logging actions as if I do them, but none of them are actually happening, also when this goes nuts, it has autofacing and movement enables, as if its a whole different bot base and cr.
Using enyo + superbad premium.
Not sure how to upload log.
Other than the mess in highmaul HC, I freaking love this insane CR.
are ferals out performing windwalkers?
Ok I found one. Due to the constant crashing I had about a million logs from that night so it took awhile to find the right one lol. As you can see energy capping doesn't happen every time. Looking through the log, [01:29:59.988 N] appears to be the best example of when it happened. As I said before this issue is minor as the routine is still superb enough to get me to the top of the meters, so even if you change nothing I am happy.
It may be a good idea to set it to use Berserk before Tiger's Fury though, considering the Enhanced Berserk perk gives us 150 energy cap and Tiger's Fury returns 60 energy.
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handnavi what's the highest rating you have achieved/someone has achieved in arena's with this, does it currently support arena
Good morning agarr,
Highmaul (all versions!) are not yet done by HB. It means that there are no meshes scripted for this specific area. As a result, the routine cant move in this area.
To make Superbad work again in this raid, you have to turn off Movement (and facing) until HB finished the meshes for it.![]()
Thanks for the replySorry if I didn't explain this good enough, but I wasn't running HB with movement or facing, I was playing manually with enyo and only have HB run the CR.
But sometimes HB starts bugging hard, it stops doing any rotation even when I target the enemy and tries to kickstart it with a manual attack.
I was able to reproduce this issue once by pausing CR (alt+x), and a minute later unpausing it. But the issue occurs without using pause aswell, so I'm confused
I was always able to fix the issue by restarting honorbuddy, however in HM HC, a restart was not sufficient, and the problem was unsolveable.
No wonder you did lower dps than normal, You wasted a lot of GCD on Reju I'm guessing, cause you can't heal 11k only with HT.Hey,
Did highmaul yesterday - worked great, thanks.
Dps as 641 was around 17-22k, its alittle lower than i do myself.. but.. the healing it does is awesome, i did 9-11k healing on all bosses - and i would normally do 3-4k. =)
Hey gameforreal,Hey,
Did highmaul yesterday - worked great, thanks.
Dps as 641 was around 17-22k, its alittle lower than i do myself.. but.. the healing it does is awesome, i did 9-11k healing on all bosses - and i would normally do 3-4k. =)
I guess you are using the wrong botbase or / and wrong settings. Please post a logfile.Hi somehow the routine keeps hitting energycap like it would not use Shred.... anyone an idea ?
i ahve analyzed it does not use any combopoint creaters... except für rip to refresh...
i have no clue what i am doing wrong