public class shattering
public static bool up { get; set; }
private static bool ShatteringBlow()
if (!HasSpellShattering)
return false;
if (!SuperbadSettings.Instance.SymbSpell)
return false;
if (_currentSpec != WoWSpec.DruidFeral)
return false;
if (_targetNotBoss)
return false;
if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget == null)
return false;
if (debuff.shattering.up)
return false;
return Spell.CastSymbSpell(112997, StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget);
debuff.shattering.up = (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget != null) && (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura(64382) || StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.HasAura(112997));
if (e.SpellId == 110309)
if (cat_form())
if (buff.prowl.up)
if (ShatteringBlow())
List<WoWUnit> cycleTargets =
u => target.time_to_die_circle(u) > 1 &&
(u.Combat || Unit.IsDummy(u)) && StyxWoW.Me.IsFacing(u) && u.IsWithinMeleeRange && !((u.Entry == 71983) && (u.HealthPercent == 100))).ToList();
public static HashSet<uint> IgnoreMobs = new HashSet<uint>
52288, // Venomous Effusion (NPC near the snake boss in ZG. Its the green lines on the ground. We want to ignore them.)
52302, // Venomous Effusion Stalker (Same as above. A dummy unit)
52320, // Pool of Acid
52525, // Bloodvenom
52387, // Cave in stalker - Kilnara
72050, // Iron Juggernaut - Crawler Mines
73454, // Manifestation
public static HashSet<uint> IgnoreMobsAoE = new HashSet<uint>
72272, // Minion of Y'Shaarj
public static IEnumerable<WoWUnit> NearbyUnfriendlyUnits2
ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(true, false)
u =>
u.IsValid && ((u.Attackable && u.CanSelect && !u.IsDead &&
!u.IsNonCombatPet && !u.IsCritter && u.Distance <= 225)
|| (u.IsCasting && u.CastingSpellId == 145599)) &&
!IgnoreMobs.Contains(u.Entry) && !IgnoreMobsAoE.Contains(u.Entry) && !u.IsFriendly
public static IEnumerable<WoWUnit> UnfriendlyUnits(int maxSpellDist)
bool dungeonBot = IsBotInUse("DungeonBuddy");
bool questBot = IsBotInUse("Quest");
bool useTargeting = (dungeonBot || (questBot && StyxWoW.Me.IsInInstance));
if (useTargeting)
u => u != null && ValidUnit(u) && !IgnoreMobsAoE.Contains(u.Entry) && u.SpellDistance() < maxSpellDist);
Type typeWoWUnit = typeof (WoWUnit);
Type typeWoWPlayer = typeof (WoWPlayer);
List<WoWObject> objectList = ObjectManager.ObjectList;
return (from t1 in objectList
let type = t1.GetType()
where type == typeWoWUnit || type == typeWoWPlayer
select t1 as WoWUnit
into t
where t != null && ValidUnit(t) && !IgnoreMobsAoE.Contains(t.Entry) && t.SpellDistance() < maxSpellDist
select t).ToList();
Amazing. Handnavi is the best. I've been using his profiles for 2 years now and he truly is the best when it comes to Feral/Guardian. He is an excellent writer and responds to you with any issues within 24 hours. He also takes into consideration changes you might have that will improve the profile. If anyone is looking for the best Feral/Guardian Rotation available it's here. Purchase the premium version, it's that much better. Keep up the excellent work Handnavi.
hey i donate for this cc. is it only for pve or pvp too?
I purchased it you selloutJk jk you deserve a little something
I also thought optimized AOE burst could be done for Blackfuse mines too![]()
This has a very generous trial time.
After a few test runs I was impressed enough to buy the profile.
---- CUT ----
Just purchased this routine. I was wondering if anyone would like to share their settings for heroic SoO raiding. I noticed that this routine does not have any settings pre configured to load up yet such as leaves/stars/tuanha. Thanks and cannot wait to try this routine out. Looks promising.
does the routine support the Rune of Re-Origination?
[ Differencens to free version]
o The differences are not notable at the moment - very little has changed:
- AOE-Detection was optimized
- AOE-Burst added for Sha and Garrosh
- Fixed an error in Pullbehaviour, that caused the usage of FFF altough it was diabled
- Fixed an errror, that the "Heal no others" setting was ignored
- Rewrote the "spell output system". We now read our cast spells from the Combatlog.
- A wonderful cat picture in the GUI (!)
Cool version for low price, very good idea
Possibly to add a auto-pull-mod with: Healing Touch > Virmen's Bite > Prowl > Savage Roar > (Boss pulled) > Tiger's Fury > Ravage > Rip when the raid entering in combat ?
For win the 4T16 part (3CP + 2CP with the critical Ravage) and put Rip with 5CP and 30% DoC. We can win 1/2s on trinkets procs too..
Thanks for including my patches. You got yourself a new customer now.
So far, seems like enough to start with. As more routines come along, the value will change for what people expect from a routine, and by October / 6.0, those issues will be magnified.
Wasn't sure about stars and leaves, but, bought this based on the icon alone.
Feral, indeed.
Cool version for low price, very good idea
Possibly to add a auto-pull-mod with: Healing Touch > Prowl > Savage Roar > (Boss pulled) > Tiger's Fury > Ravage > Rip when the raid entering in combat ?
For win the 4T16 part (3CP + 2CP with the critical Ravage) and put Rip with 5CP and 30% DoC. We can win 1/2s on trinkets procs too..
Hotkey for example. Technically it should also be possible to just run some custom LUA code that reacts to the message broadcasted by the various boss mods to start the pull timer. That could be used by Superbad to figure out when the pull is happening and prepare. In general though, you can just put the opening sequence in a cast sequence macro and use that for the pull, then turn on Superbad to take over.Mh, and how should we determine that we might pull in some seconds?
Casting: Healing Touch > Prowl > Savage Roarfor several minutes because the pull got delayed is pretty bad in my opinion.![]()