Well back 2 weeks ago, I was excited to try out honorbuddy again as it was always guaranteed to get me banned. My goal of getting banned started on my level 100 druid which I wanted to hand level to 110 so I can enjoy the game-play, but wanted some thing to help me with CR, which is why I chose HonorBuddy! I only ran CR's (singular) on this account and had just installed a fresh windows 7 with WoW being the only thing on the PC!
After finally achieving 110 after about a week I decided I'll go spend some time with friends and have a few beers and what not. Today on this gorgeous fall day of November 10th I wanted to check out how Legion was doing since I left it to spend time with friend's! Logged into battle.net only to find I've been banned for 6 months!
You can only imagine the excitement I was feeling travelling throughout my bones! I had finally reached my goal of getting banned!!
I can honestly say I achieved my goal of getting banned, and through HonorBuddy you can achieve your aspirations and dreams of getting banned within a short time as well! I hope my story will inspire some of you to invest MORE money in HonorBuddy subscriptions and ALL of their WONDERFUL products, as I know I have!
Thanks for the read, I wish you all good luck on your goal to achieving your ban!
After finally achieving 110 after about a week I decided I'll go spend some time with friends and have a few beers and what not. Today on this gorgeous fall day of November 10th I wanted to check out how Legion was doing since I left it to spend time with friend's! Logged into battle.net only to find I've been banned for 6 months!
You can only imagine the excitement I was feeling travelling throughout my bones! I had finally reached my goal of getting banned!!
I can honestly say I achieved my goal of getting banned, and through HonorBuddy you can achieve your aspirations and dreams of getting banned within a short time as well! I hope my story will inspire some of you to invest MORE money in HonorBuddy subscriptions and ALL of their WONDERFUL products, as I know I have!
Thanks for the read, I wish you all good luck on your goal to achieving your ban!

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