Do you have a feature planned for getting this to work across multiple toons without having to turn the plugin on and setup the raids on each character.
I was hoping for an export/import or a copy paste system.
SC2 (Studio Companion V2) will get a "layered" settings system. You can basically make settings on a global setting and then overwrite them on demand per character if you want to. I just can't promise it will make it in the first release as I am a bit scared to push so too changes at once. I will have to see what I can cram into the first version.![]()
SC2 (Studio Companion V2) will get a "layered" settings system. You can basically make settings on a global setting and then overwrite them on demand per character if you want to. I just can't promise it will make it in the first release as I am a bit scared to push so too changes at once. I will have to see what I can cram into the first version.![]()
Any ETA for V2?
- Added Cataclysm world drop configuration
- Extended the FAQ for most Cataclysm raids
[B][I]Travel Manager[/I][/B]
- Forced landing position for Garrison
- Slightly changed the mage tower use in the Alliance Garrison (Level 3)
- Added Hearthstone Travel Northrend (Dalaran)
- Fixed travel with Wormhole Generator: Northrend
Hey, I've just purchased all of your profiles yesterday and I'm having a very annoying problem, namely profiles keep switching tasks on HB relog after each run is done, which is very annoying because I really don't want to nor see the reason why would they do that. Happens after each raid is done, could you make that setting optional or something?
You have to clarify something for me: Have you configured a run in the "Studio Planner" and the bot is skipping tasks after each raid (which would be a bug) or are you loading profiles directly from the Buddystore and don't want the bot to skip a task after the run. If it is the latter, then I don't understand why you would want to turn that off.
I don't understand why you would want to turn that off.
Would it be ridiculous & needlessly complicated to have a setting to try 25h first & if I die a settable amount 1.. 3.. 10.. 30 times.. switch to 25n.. so on & so forth ?
sooooo I just checked in on my session & noticed it isn't looting trash in Karazhan.. kinda makes me wonder if it left loot anywhere else :-/
Is there something I should be enabling to loot everything in every instance ?
Loot Mobs in HB settings themselves is enabled..
there's also a vendor inside karazhan right by attunemen.. no need to go outside..
Hi. A few weeks ago i read a comment where someone asked what spec/talents/glyphs was the best to use with the bot for each char. To that you (Studio60) respanted that you were working on an update for the plugin so that it would set those things up by it self.
Just wanted to know how that project is going, and if you could make a small guide that tells us what to use untill the bot can do that for it self?![]()
I've been trying this out, with the Naxx trash run. First off, I have a suggestion: can the waiting for instance timers be done INSIDE the instances? waiting outside the Naxx portal for 3 minutes between each 4 minute trash run is not healthythere is a lot of pvp going on, classes with pushback blow you out and kill you from falling, people tend to search for bots acting like bots outside instance portals and report them. would be a lot better to wait inside then go out for a moment to reset (and maybe vendor on mount).
Now, as far as death handling - does this plugin have it or not? did not work for me. Dying results in waiting out the full timer then rezzing on the ground and running around under naxx trying to get into the portal (while on the ground). It doesn't recognise being in ghost form at all. If I release manually it runs around in ghost, again trying to get into naxx. No matter what, after dying and rezzing it does NOT get on a flying mount, just stays on the ground. If I then manually stop and restart HB, it finally resumes the profile by flying back to Naxx.
TLDR: One death (from getting ganked outside Naxx portals) ends the whole run, until I manually stop/start HB.
I attached a portion of the log starting with getting ganked till I stopped the bot (it rezed and was alive on a ground mount under naxx, getting pounded by the mobs there and not fighting back)
View attachment 194289
Could you possibly make this plugin use Vendor mounts if in a raid you can mount in to do vendor runs? (firelands)