I would like to test FOR 1 OR 2 hours , can provide profile me ?
Pretty weak for Horde:
[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 16 nodes in 1h 25m 14s.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Fjarnskaggl: 12
[Gatherbuddy2]: Leystone Deposit: 2
[Gatherbuddy2]: Felslate Deposit: 2
[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 24 nodes in 0h 58m 8s.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Fjarnskaggl: 16
[Gatherbuddy2]: Leysteinvorkommen: 5
[Gatherbuddy2]: Teufelsschiefervorkommen: 2
[Gatherbuddy2]: Reiches Teufelsschiefervorkommen: 1
It's not the best route but anyways thanks for sharing it!
Ya I have been watching that, but I have never actually seen my bot go inside of it, just barely to get a node or two, I don't have any horde on my server so being flagged for 5 minutes isn't an issue.the new route goes through a pvp wq "rabiate brawl"
Do you have rank 3 aethril unlocked? it spawns extra nodes, ive seen it proc 2 times in a row for me getting 3 nodes back to back in the same spot.[Gatherbuddy2]: Stopped gatherbuddy after gathering 39 nodes in 0h 51m 21s.
[Gatherbuddy2]: Fjarnskaggl: 39
version that works with both horde and ally
Do you have rank 3 aethril unlocked? it spawns extra nodes, ive seen it proc 2 times in a row for me getting 3 nodes back to back in the same spot.
nah just have herb skill 40So i think its good anyway. Sells for 80g each.
Edit: just got rank 1 with fjarn
btw is working to randomnize in bot settnings?
Try V2 xml bud, I think that's the one you are wanting to use. blackspots are currently not even working, because hotspots are a general moveto, so if it moves somewhere that's ineffective, I cant even do anything about it right now.Bot is spending a lot of time fighting in Akstad between Valdisdall and The Runewood. Very ineffective compared to having the area around Weeping Bluffs and Blackbeak Overlook on the western part of the map in the route.
I was testing them yesterday and noticed the same, I guess it doesn't work, I was going to try and avoid mob all the mobs and see if that works, but have not got around to testing it yet. I think the bot automatically assumes it has to dismount even tho it doesn't need to. the mount speed works for sure tho.Hi Wolfman, since you suggested Demonsteel Stirrups, do you know a way to make the bot not dismount when in combat?
I was testing them yesterday and noticed the same, I guess it doesn't work, I was going to try and avoid mob all the mobs and see if that works, but have not got around to testing it yet. I think the bot automatically assumes it has to dismount even tho it doesn't need to. the mount speed works for sure tho.